Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Flying Visit to the UK

Greenhouse - Stourhead
It might have been just a week long visit to the UK, but being experienced Edinburgh Fringers, we know how to fill every conceivable second, and have now returned to France in a state of exhausted exhilaration.  We weren't able to get back to our old stomping ground in London this time. Instead we were flying round Wiltshire, partying in Berkshire, with a few meetings in between as well as catching up with friends and family.

Winchester Cathedral
Our last visit to the UK was about 9 months ago. In that time our life in France  has changed/developed so much, whatever is the best description, that we really felt like tourists. Took the overnight crossing which left at 23h00. Up at 5am to irritatingly lively music coming through the speakers. Off the boat at 7am. Then we headed over to Winchester for a meeting at 9am. It's about fourteen years since I last went to Winchester, taking a show into the Theatre Royal. There was just about enough time on that occasion to get provisions, but certainly not enough to drop into the cathedral. Fortunately this time round the meeting was in a hotel about a ten minutes walk to the cathedral, so we grabbed the opportunity and spent a couple of hours there. Fascinating place.

Fifteen centuries of history and unsurprisingly a Grade 1 listed building, with original medieval walls and flooring (some sections). It's been on a £19million fundraising campaign and successfully secured over £100million from the Heritage Lottery Fund last year. Hadn't realised Jane Austen was buried there (1817). Interestingly not a word on her tomb about being a writer. I know she wasn't well-known as now at the time of her death. But if you compare her inscription to that of the commemorative military plaques on the walls it is an interesting omission. For example, Captain something or other nearby was described as a soldier, a naturalist, a historian and writer. Clearly a multi-dimensional individual. Whereas Jane Austen - daughter. Much loved of course. But why not daughter and writer. Clearly not the style of the times. Felt to to me to be an injustice even though I'm not a huge fan of the books (prefer the Brontës). Have read them all apart from Northanger Abbey. Enjoy them more as film adaptations and occasionally as t.v. dramas. Sixty-five years after her death, a brass plaque was erected to address this omission, in the north aisle near to where she is buried. These days there's a permananent exhibition just next to her tomb.

From there we headed to Coombe Bissett just outside Salisbury to see Mike's cousin and family for an overnight. Then we headed up into Berkshire for an annual meeting, followed by a celebratory dinner, which was all rather splendid. Back down to Coombe Bissett, where the family dinner of varying take-aways got hysterical when we started singing Tiptoe through the tulips. How? Why? Absolutely no idea. But we were all speechless with laughter. Saturday we headed to Bradford on Avon (Boa) to stay with our friends Sue and Dave. Caught up on all the news and gossip. We were based there for a few days, so we were able to relax a bit. Had dinner out that night at Sebastien's in Boa, which was really very nice. Sunday we headed into the Farmer's market and picked up some very nice vegetables before having a coffee in the  Fat Fowl. Squeezed a lovely visit to Stourhead. Totally unexpected and just the ideal thing for a Sunday afternoon. We worked out that we hadn't been there for well over twenty years. 

Monday Mike was up early getting the car serviced. I went to check out the apartment we're renting for N.Year and paid the balance. We rented it for a while when we first visited Boa and were looking for a house. This time we've rented for a week, which will give us a chance to return some of the hospitality we've received from friends. It's just a five minute walk to the centre. In fact some Dutch friends of ours took up our recommendation and are staying in town for a week, some time this month. 

Monday morning had coffee with our next door neighbour in Boa at 10.45. Caught up with Mike and another friend for a light bite at midday in the Fat Fowl. Back to Sue and Dave's as there was a party at their place in the evening. Got various things sorted out for that. Went for an early evening walk which was gorgeous, down by the river, where some filming was being done for a costume drama. Bumped into some other friends while there. 
The party was brilliant. Everyone brought something. About twenty off us. Such fun. 

Tuesday we were into Bath for various things, but did manage to stick our heads into the Victoria Art Gallery to see the Radev Collection-part 2. We saw the first part a couple of years ago. Superb. Then back to Boa. Saw some friends for tea. Then met up with Sue and Dave for dinner this time at the Fat Fowl. 

Wednesday morning we headed off mid-morning for the ferry. There isn't an easy way to do the journey. Travelling back we'd decided to cover it in a day as we used to do. We'd forgotten quite how exhausting it was. Got in around 1.30am Thursday morning. Door to door it takes about seventeen hours. 

Thursday morning we were back in the market at Chinon, trying to have a coherent conversation in French with various stallholders who we shop with regularly. Mind and mouth were not cooperating particularly well. We'd arranged to meet a friend for coffee at 10.45. Must admit to battling hard not to shut my eyes and sleeping. We were going to go to the cinema that night, but fell asleep on the sofa at home instead. Yesterday, Friday, I had a committee meeting at 10am. Mike was catching up with important paperwork. Round to dinner at neighbours and their family last night which was great fun. 

So now here we are at the weekend. Four exhibitions to go over the next couple of days. Out to dinner with friends in Chinon this evening following a vernissage in Place Mirabeau at 17h. Probably sleep well again tonight. Tough life.

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