Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Up and Away

Wednesday. A beautiful morning. What else, but breakfast outside. Needed the shade up even then, at 8am, although it wasn't of enormous help. The sun was pretty low. Sunglasses were the better option. 

wide-angle shot of propeller

 Set off back to Loudun aĆ©rodrome at 9am, which left Chris and Linda at least an hour to do all the safety checks, fill up with fuel and be away by 11am at the latest. Seemed deserted at Loudun when we arrived. Contact numbers had been left on the club-house front door. So a quick phone call sorted that out...with someone turning up just a few minutes later. 

Final checks
Being a club and holiday time, various members turned up and were of course curious to know what was happening and who we all were. There was real interest in what was going on. Eventually with checks completed, the plane filled up, bits of luggage loaded-on, Chris and Linda were set to go. . .and went. It was great watching the take-off, which seemed absolutely perfect. 

Linda Chris and Mike

Great adventure for them and for us. Here's to the next.

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