Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Monday, July 14, 2014

Big Weekend - Part 1

It has been so wet. On and off rain all week - heavy and thundery sometimes, which didn't bode well for all the events this weekend, to celebrate Bastille day - 14 July.

Cravant had it's party last night on 13th July. Unlucky? Well the rain did it's best to dampen the spirits! Our commité de fête is really efficient, well-organised and experienced. Usually the larger village parties are just slightly away from the centre, around the football pitch. It's a good space. This year a Barnum/marquee had been set up as covering for all the picnics. You take your own picnic, while wine and bread to go with, are supplied by the mayor and village council.

By yesterday morning the Barnum was already set up. The weather forecast had said it was going to be wet. For once it was right. Chucked it down. The decision was made to take the Barnum down and relocate it in front of the  salle de fête along with all the tables and benches and wine and paraphernalia that goes with an event like this.  The fête coincided with the final of the World Cup Final. So a big screen had been brought in for live coverage of the match and had been set up inside the salle de fête.

We walked down with neighbours + picnic early evening. As I've mentioned before, the approach to picnics here is that they're a proper meal. So we between us we had entrées, plat, fromage and dessert. One neighbour loaded everything up in the car and drove it down to the salle de fête, while the rest of us walked down. About ten minutes. At that point the sky was grey but not raining.

There were probably about 300 people there. May be more. Difficult to tell. Met up with other neighbours from all over Cravant. Really good fun. We were introduced to an English couple. We didn't know they were there (since 1999) and they didn't know we were either. Apparently they were rather sad to know they were no longer the only British there! They come just for the summer, or at least the husband does. They are over in another quartier on the other side of Cravant.

The village isn't that big. Population is around 750. Even so we have neighbours nearby who up until recently we'd only seen at events in Chinon. Never in the village itself. The organisers of Voyage en Guitare live in Cravant. For the first time ever, last night, we saw them at the village party. Otherwise, it would have been next week in Chinon, where they have three or four gigs coming up. We'll be able to get to a couple of them.  The other week we went to a private view in Chinon - all the artists were local. One of them lives in Cravant, about a ten minutes from our road but heading towards the old village. We make a circuit from time to time round the village and pass that way when we do. But again it was the first time we'd come across the name or the person. So had a bit of a chat.

Not sure exactly what time everything got started. But there was an apéro + speech from the mayor to begin with. After which everyone dived into their picnics. Great atmosphere under the Barnum. Then the rain started. Unbelievable - a torrent. Meanwhile inside the salle de fête the final had begun, so of course people were in and out to see what was going on.  Eventually the rain stopped. By which time the match was half way through the second half - most people were inside watching. Freely admit to being a rugby fan and not a football fan. Even so, regardless of my prejudices, this world cup final seemed to be the dreariest of matches. Once it was over everything was cleared away so the disco could start. Much more fun. Got in around 1am.

Today our friends arrive from the UK. They're flying over in their two-seater. The weather has been a pain. They phoned us on Friday to say they couldn't fly as hoped, last Saturday. There were storms everywhere, including Cravant.  But it looked ok for today, Sunday. Fingers crossed it stays as it is now and they have decent flight, which should get them to Loudun around 5pm.  Think they left this morning around 8am. So a long day. 

We're into Chinon this evening for dinner at a lovely restaurant. Then we'll leg-it on to the bridge for the fireworks at 11pm. It's always spectacular in Chinon. Attracts loads of people. This time the theme for the display is WW1. Will probably finish around 11.45/midnight and then like everyone else, we'll wander into the centre of Chinon for the street parties, live music etc. Various neighbours will be there no doubt. Should be a very good night. Hoping our friends are able to stay for Tuesday, so they can relax a bit and we can may be visit somewhere together. The original plan was for them to fly back on Tuesday as a one of the part-owners had booked the plane out on Wednesday. But they were trying to do something about that. They're going to be knackered if not. It will be a really late night to night. We'll see.

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