Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Making the most of the day

Tuesday was our one full day with Chris and Linda. We made the most of it. Scenic drive over to Candes St Martin first of all.The name Candes is thought to come from the Gallic meaning confluence, which makes sense given that the town is positioned precisely where the Loire and the Vienne meet. Just lovely wandering along the river's edge. On a day like this when the light is good, and there's just a hint of a ripple on the river, it's quite idyllic. Candes has a narrow road running through the centre, with houses, small businesses, a café, a restaurant, galleries and some lovely older French houses, off on each side. It is very pretty and popular particularly with walkers and cyclists.

We headed on over to Fontevraud. Good choice. An amazing building and a superb cultural centre, which I've written up a few times. Three stories - monastic city, prison city and contemporary city. It's also a wonderful place to be when it's hot, as it was mid-morning, when we arrived. Had a couple of hours there at least and covered pretty much everything. Fontevraud is one of our favourite places, which we visit at least four times a year and more when there's a concert or special exhibition on. Given the size of the site and age, there's always a section being restored. There's a hotel on site which was completely restored and re-fitted over a two year period and re-opened earlier this year. We went for a walk round last year, when work was in its final phase. It was part of a special evening for supporters. Very very interesting. This time we looked at cleared site and the building from the outside - a testament to the craftsmanship and professionalism of the resident team. Superb. 

Someone had the bright idea of stopping for an ice-cream lunch on the way back to the car. Oh ho! Delicious. The shop was formerly a luttier's showroom and workshop. He very sadly died two years ago. Eventually the shop was sold and became a trendy biscutier and mini-café. We'd not visited it before. Today we did, for caramel beurre au salé, yaourt, chocolat and vanille, served with a little glass of water and a macaron biscuit. Heavenly. Have since found a recipe for caramel beurre au salé, so will try to make some.  

The drive back took us by the Candes panorama which over looks the confluence of the Vienne and the Loire. It's a great place to visit. The turn off takes you through wheatfields and sunflowers, so it's lovely just getting there. The view is superb of the river and the landscape. Being so clear we could see for miles. 

Took the back route through Chinon as we needed to go to Leclerc, but also because directly opposite is the excellent wine producer, Bertrand Couly. He rebuilt his chai and it has now acquired iconic status, being round and wine pink in colour. Very distinctive on the horizon. A good space - light and airy, which also houses an art exhibition area. It's managed by Nathalie Bereau, who was recently received a prestigious award for services to art. Her main gallery is in Paris. She was there as well when we visited, so we had a private tour of the current exhibition, as well as a good wine tasting. Bought some of their delicious rosé and then drove off home, which from there just fifteen minutes away, stopping off at the Cravant panorama en route. Superb view today. We can see our house from there.

The idea had been to go for a walk round the village, but even at 5pm it was still too hot.  Mike was giving a ukulele lesson at 6pm as well, so the rest of us relaxed in the garden with tea. Chris and Linda were plotted their flight back for the next day. It would be hot for them, but pretty much ideal conditions. Dinner was at home, a bit later on, then about 9pm  we went for a walk. Perfect. Cooled down enough by then. Cravant is lovely to walk around. Next time I'll take my camera and get some evening shots.

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