Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Bright nights

Really difficult getting to sleep. There's a mind set to it all I think. How can I possibly go to sleep when it's still so light outside at 10.30pm. Reminds me of family beach holidays, when I always had to have an afternoon nap, in a supposedly darkened room. But with the window open, a summer breeze blowing through, the sunlight filtered in through the curtain. So of course I was transfixed and wide awake. Eventually the sound of the waves lulled me off to sleep. The sea sounded gentler in memory and to my child's ear. Have to admit part of the sleeplessness is all the singing. When we've a gig on and we're rehearsing, my brain goes into over-drive.

It was the same with plays. Don't know how many plays I performed over the years, but I never learnt a script, I just absorbed it. Now with songs, the same thing is happening. Only for whatever reason, with music, my sub-conscious seems to want to go clubbing every night. So I'm lying in bed at three in the morning with all this music pounding around in my head. Last night, for the first time in weeks, I slept properly. Why - we did the final gig before the summer break on Friday, so we're not rehearsing anything at the moment.

Anyway the gig went really really well. We're now thinking of taking part in the Chinon Music Festival next year. Mr. Arts man who is involved with everything in Chinon was at the last one and suggested we should. It certainly appeals. The festival is an all day affair. Took place last Saturday. Starts at 11am and finishes around midnight. Different bands, different venues, indoors and out. So we'll see. 

Went to a domaine inauguration on Sunday afternoon. A wine producer we know has linked up with another close by in Creuzilles. He still has his own, but is now in partnership with his neighbour. We went for a walk round the village earlier in the year and called in at the other producer. Amazing space and place. Wines seemed very nice as well!! So exciting prospects from the two of them in the future.

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