Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Monday, July 7, 2014

Back in the swing...

Had a terrific weekend. Saturday and Sunday we pretty much caught up with stuff. But Saturday night we went to a private view/vernissage in Chinon and then had dinner with friends. Sunday night we were over for a the last concert of the main stage at the Avoine Blues Festival 2014. Zaz - extremely popular over here and with good reason. Brilliant voice and performer and treated everyone to the full works on Sunday night. Went with some neighbours and met some others there. Various exhibitions on the site and free gigs as well. Absolutely heaving. It's a small festival with a big reputation. The main tent was jammed packed. Zaz had been sold out for weeks. We got in early, more or less after the tickets went on sale. Brilliant night. 

Lovely day today. Out in the garden early. Best time for me. After that it gets hot. My goodness - we'd only been away one week, but the growth - unbelievable. Unfortunately the weeds and grass as well as the plants. So having cleared a whole load of stuff before we went away, it was all back again. Grrr.

This week has suddenly gone into overdrive. There was something happening pretty much every day. We've got various celebrations for Bastille Day coming this next weekend. Our village party is on the Sunday and Chinon's on Monday. But we've just had an email from friends to say they are flying over in their two-seater plane on Sunday. We'll collect them from Loudun late afternoon, which is about 40 mins away, and then they fly back on Tuesday. It's about 7 hours each way with a break, refuelling and time difference. They are both pilots, part-owning a plane. A combination of decent weather window, plane availability and gap in their work schedules meant that could give it a go. It's the longest they've ever flown and on their own. Usually it's with their flying group. Just amazing. So they'll be here for our village party and also for the Chinon knees-up. Absolutely brilliant.

Have committed myself to a photography exhibition next year. Hopefully Mike is coming in on it with some large scale origami pieces. But I'm also wanting to try out what's called paper engineering, but using my photos. Loads of ideas popping about in my head, so sleeping isn't easy. No matter. 

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