Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Holey bread and runny jam

Breakfasts can be so messy. The other morning, delicious conserve made by a local friend found the hole in the middle of Mike's piece of toasted pain, made a dash for it, and landed back on the plate from where the whole saga had begun. The conserve was the same colour as our chairs.  Thank goodness I don't have the same trouble with marmite.

Can't quite get my head round we're almost at the end of July. Summer seems to be flying past. We were out for another apéro with a neighbour in Cravant. First time we'd been round. We have a mutual friend and it was through her that we originally met. Lovely evening, sitting outside till about 11.30 discussing theatre, language, Shakespeare, Marguerite Duras amongst other things. Very interesting conversation. 

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Chinon at night
Last night, Saturday, we were in Chinon for Les Nuits Croisées - a two-night affair for which various light and sound installations had been set up at key sites around the town. It started both nights at around 9.30pm and went on till 1.30 in the morning. We met up with some friends for a drink, were joined by some other and kept bumping into people we knew. This event seemed to have really captured the imagination and brought lots of  people into town. Chinon was buzzing. Great atmosphere.

The main lift in Chinon which links the main part of the town with the upper part and La Forteresse had a light and sound installation bouncing of the walls, synchronised to the movement of the lift itself.  Various statues and fountains around town had been lit up

Inside La Forteresse

La Forteresse itself was quite magical. Loads of candles and different types of lanterns had been lit and positioned on or alongside the main path to the entrance. Very simple but effective. And the inside was beautifully lit up. Quite dramatic. A lot of photographers about understandably. 

At Saint Mexme, where we often go for concerts and light and sound installation had been set-up on the stage which was in part noise activated by spectators. You can imagine the clapping and stamping going on, which created all sorts of crazy patterns. 


We ended up at the L'Ecrin building where one of our Anglo/French groups is based. The ground floor area, which generally is used as an exhibition and boutique space had now been rigged up with an underwater light and sound installation. Very effective.

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