Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Not quite the naked chef

Just very pleased that no one was lurking in the house with a camera yesterday. Being another hot and sultry day when it came to cooking, clothing - out of necessity - was minimal.  My head felt as if it had an elastic band wrapped round it. It wasn't helped by being woken up for the second morning in a row, at 3.45 by a violent storm. Only this time, the electricity supply was knocked out. We're completely electric here. So I will freely admit to being a bit of a misery first thing yesterday morning, which was a disappointing way to be starting the day. Didn't last long of course. Friday evening we'd had a lovely time with local neighbours who'd come round for apéros. Danielle is the owner and curator of Gallerie Cravantaise, Sylvie and Paul are a French/Dutch couple and good friends of Danielle's. They also own a Chambre d'hôte in Cravant. We've met them a few times at Gallerie private views. Their son Tristan is one of these young and talented multi-linguists - 10/11 years old approx - French, English and Dutch. He picked me up on a couple of words for which I hadn't got the pronunciation quite right. I was actually very pleased about it and thanked him. Quite happy for someone to do that, whoever and whatever age they are. Very helpful.

So a quick drive into Chinon was essential, for coffee and croissant. I quickly cheered up. It's not that the route in is particularly spectacular,  but it is quite lovely, specially on a sunny day. That and the wonderful coffee at La Treille with croissants from La Boulangerie on the corner of Place Mirabeau, completed the revival. I'm really a black coffee drinker. Sugar is a no-no in tea or coffee at any time.   But if I'm having coffee out somewhere with croissant for breakfast, then I like coffee with hot milk. Stephanie at La Treille serves the hot milk separately. It's always very good and just hits the spot.

As to the electricity problem, it didn't come back on until after midday. That's the longest power cut we've had anywhere.  Fortunately everything was still fine in the fridge and its freezer compartment. We've not taken the freezer route. Friends who have been doing the half and half visiting like us, did buy a freezer and on at least a couple of occasions have lost everything. Truly, it doesn't happen that often. It's just more a surprise when it does. Scotland and the north generally, have known a lot worse.

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