Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Closer to home

Went to a private view amongst other things yesterday. Scorching day. Yes finally, we have some decent weather and the change in people and landscape is amazing. Everything and everyone is feeling better. The vines are really taking off and looking flush with autumn promise for the harvest. Galerie Cravantaise was the venue for the p.v. which we've always gone to whenever we've been around. Now of course it's easier. Danielle owns and runs the gallery. Lovely lady and very generous  with her time and space. Some things you like, some you don't. But it's always a pleasure to visit.

Yesterday's p.v. was a bit different. Being the last expo before the new season starts in September, it was really more like a party. Live music by two young guys - drums and guitar - who were finishing setting up  as we arrived. The two were mates as children and now play rock music together and the family are friends of Danielle. There were various exhibitions in three barns/troglodyte caves accessed from Danielle's garden. An outside staircase led to two more rooms over the caves, so sculptures and other artworks in there. She's also given over the lounge area of her house to paintings.Then along with the musicians outside, more artists had set up and were painting and chatting as everyone walked around. 

Think Sue and Dave liked a couple of things, as did we, but as much as anything it was a lovely evening and a great atmosphere.  A real summer buzz.

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