Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

It's a hard life

Sitting in the office later last night when it was cool, I began wondering what is must be like to be so despised and loathed and totally unaware of all the discomfort you inflict on others. This thought wandered into my mind, as a lone and very determined mosquito whined it's way round my head. Then again, may be mosquitos do know and just think 'weehee this fun, another lunch box. I'll have more of that!' 

Being an insect of course, it's not so easy to be adopted as a pet, although beetles and spiders have that history. Are mosquitos, behind this mean, vindictive and insatiable exterior, just in need of advanced training? Not that there are many classes available. Perhaps there's a grant to get one started. With the current cutbacks, probably not. In any case how to get your mosquito to the classes. On a lead? Don't think so. It would have to be in a match box. It would escape as soon as you opened it,  and your mosquito would be back into its cycle of thuggery. There's no opportunity or incentive really for mosquitos to show their softer side! Some birth control would be useful as well. Not that we have many of them where we are. Our house is on a more open plot, away from trees and water. So I can only assume that the one who was with me in the office, had been out at a rave and had got lost. Either way my compassion was limited and he or she was quickly despatched. That's another black mark on my slate.

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