Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Do we dare go out?

This is a serious question. First of all yet another Brit has won the Tour de France and the 100th edition of it as well. What a cheek! Then there is the matter of the heatwave that's descending for the next couple of days. As the temperature yesterday according to our neighbour was 40 in the shade, I'm trying to work out what that was, if the heatwave is only kicking in today. Either way my comfort zone has been crossed. Remarkably everywhere still looks very green.

Had an excellent weekend. Started off with the concert of early music on the Friday. Then Saturday there was a Voyages en guitar gig at Saint Mexme in Chinon. Shot into Chinon early for a drink at Café Français, then walked up the road for the concert which started at 9.30.  The Gérard Keryjaouën Jazz Quartet - they were brilliant. The music was inspired by the likes of Coltrane, Parker, Peterson and Jarrett amongst others. From the moment they started playing it all came together. Finished 'round midnight and yes some Dexter Gordon classics were also included in the programme, although not that particular piece. While there we met up with a Cravant wine producer Pascale Lambert and his wife Béatrice. They are probably the nearest wine producer to us. He's completely bio - wines are fairly expensive compared to others here, but they are very good. They usually sponsor the Voyages en guitare gigs with some of the wine. They introduced us to Michel Lemesle the organiser of Voyages en guitare who is staying with them, or rather in their gîte while there own place is being repaired. Discovered Michel lives in Cravant along with two others who help him. We've only ever seem them at the gigs - never in Cravant. Just one of those odd things. Anyway we've signed up to Voyages en guitar which means we get a discount to any of their concerts. Looking ahead they've their annual music weekend in September, which coincides with the Open House weekend (across Europe). If it was as good as last year, we've a great couple of days of music coming up.

Sunday was a scorcher and to add to it we'd made arrangements to go to Avon les Roches with our neighbours Jacqueline and Norbert for a big brocante - the first one they've had in the village - and dinner. The idea was that we were driving them over in the afternoon, but the planned changed slightly. It was just too hot. So we went around 5pm when it had cooled down a bit. Would have wilted otherwise. Met up with one of J&N's sons and his family who we've met quite a few times now and who live in the village. Avon les Roches has a lovely church. We've only been over there once - an afternoon - which was to look at the church's architecture, so it was great to go again and see the village partying. By the time we got there the brocante was coming to an end. They'd had a lot of people in the morning, but the afternoon was pretty dead because of the heat. While waiting for the dinner in the salle de fête, we were entertained by some local traditional dancers and singers. They were sweltering in the costumes. Footwear was the traditional clog or sabot. There are still people around who make them.  Dinner was quite something. The tickets were €12. It was all extremely well organised and presented. A grand buffet, which had been ordered from SuperU - another big supermarket here, in competition with Leclerc and Carrefour. SuperU had really done their stuff. An apéro and amuse bouche to start, then a variety of patés, salads and charcuterie as the entrée, followed by cold roast chicken and roast beef which was all quite delicious, more salads, then cheese, then dessert. Wines were Chinon - very good of course and at bargain prices. Not sure how many people but certainly over 100. All generations together, with the children having a brilliant time either playing or eating their own menu which had been specially prepared. A really fabulous evening. 

P.S. There are no you tube links to the Gérard Keryjaouën Jazz Quartet. Real shame. Featured David Salesse on double bass, Thierry Lange-Berteau on drums, Jérôme Rateau on piano and Gérard Keryjaouën on a gibson electric jazz guitar. They were all superb instrumentalists, but playing together they were superb. Really enjoying each other's company, really attentive and intuitive.

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