Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Saturday 29 June 2013

An auspicious day both sides of the channel. In the UK a friend of ours Becca Newlan is getting married. So excited for her and James and hope they have a truly wonderful day and wonderful life together. Here in Cravant the village battens down the hatches for the annual car rally of about we think 150 sports cars, that begin the competition in Beaumont en Verron and converge on Cravant around 3pm this afternoon. The village is blocked off from about 2pm this afternoon till 11pm tonight. We are shortly walking round, armed with salad and dessert (pavlova) to neighbours Jacqueline and Norbert to spend the day with their family and another neighbour, Alain's family, for a barbecue. After that - no doubt in shambolic ebullient fashion, we will walk to a good viewing point.
Taking camera.  More later

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