Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Saturday 29 June 2013: Pt 2

Relaxed Sunday before the rally
Still in bleary eyed and weary brain state even after a cup of coffee or two. Comes from another, but not quite as late a night, meaning we got to bed around 1.30am in the morning - Sunday. Cravant was elevated to almost Le Mans status on Saturday, when the sports car rally arrived. If the upheaval, noise and general bizarreness of the occasion wasn't for you, you probably have wanted to jump out the window. As for us, we spent the day with a really fun group of neighbours.

Patient by-sitters
Saturday, Cravant was in party-ish mode, with groups here and there, some having les pique-niques, others had tables set up with drinks, food etc. Outside L'Auberge in the centre of Cravant, a covered seating area had been rigged up for a large group of their regular clubbers (it's a night-club and during the day, our local and very good restaurant) who spent the day there, getting slowly hammered. Some neighbours in rue des vignes had pulled a table out into the road for some impromptu drinks, which eventually finished around 2 in the morning!

Alain pouring some drinks
Meantime we were into serious food in Alain's garage. The twelve of us and four children started our party around 12noon. We'd all taken things along. Alain's girlfriend had kindly organised all the wine. Her daughter and children came as well. Jacqueline and Norbert were there, who've been mentioned in earlier blogs,  along with their sons and families, Mike and I, and Dominic et Jeanette who we'd first met when we walked together for the Cravant randonnée, earlier in June.

waiting for the race
We began with apèros, during which Mike and I were given a guided tour of Alain's house for the first time. Quite amazing. From the outside it looks like an average sized and shaped detached house that we  used to live in, in London. However it just goes on and on and on. A real Tardis. Pretty much all the work he's done himself and it's an incredible job. We asked him if he had a map! Could easily have got lost. Then back we went into the garage for the entrée of different salads, followed by a barbecue, that had been building heat since around 10.30. Next came a huge selection of cheeses, followed by at least four different desserts. Different wines of course and last but not least, plenty of breads etc., Fantastic. By this time it was just after 16h00. The rally was now to start at 4.30pm.

First arrival
Not sure how many cars took part. There were 120 in the programme which listed all their details and drivers, but there were a few gaps in the running order as the cars passed by. We were perfectly positioned to see them hurtling towards us down from old Cravant, screeching, growling, coughing and loudly farting their way round the bend which took them into the road, as pictured here, which runs across the top of our road, then drops down to the main road through to Chinon.

Somewhere on the way to Cravant there had been an accident. Not sure if it involved any of the race cars and haven't heard any more details. Hopefully no one was injured. But it meant the race stopped for about an hour. The temperature started shooting up, so we thought we'd nip home for a cup of something and then come back as  we were only minutes away. Only it wasn't that simple. You're not allowed to walk on the 'race track', so we crossed from our viewing position through a field that leads on to the back of Jacqueline and Norbert's garden. Jacqueline came as well, got a ladder, and then we all climbed over her fence into her garden, which runs along the bottom of ours. Then we put the ladder over their hedge and climbed into our garden. Had a cup of tea and of course fell asleep. About an hour later back we went, this time walking up rue des vignes. Met up with our immediate neighbours. At this point we spotted two hot air balloons drifting over head. Didn't have the right lens unfortunately, which is why the balloons look like pimples. But it was a glorious day for a ride like that. 

To get back to Alain's house, we walked through a field belong to Jacqueline and Norbert's parents to the far end, that took us opposite  Alain's house, sneaked under the tape and legged it across the road. Wine and nibbles in gorgeous evening light and a fantastic view from Alain's terrace. Just great. The race finally finished around 10pm, but we hadn't.  Back into the garage we went, this time for a late dinner.  Entrées, roast pork, cheese and the remainder of desserts. We all got hysterical. I could barely move or think. Jeannette was crying with laughter, Alain was laughing so much he could barely get a word out. Some time after 1am, we started clearing up, the party broke up and wandered home. A brilliantly knackering day. Loved it.

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