Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Saturday, June 29, 2013

On the go go go: PT 1

Woke up this morning to something excessively shiny creeping in round the shutters. Can someone tell me what it is. Think the name begins with an S. There was definitely some heat to it and everything seemed brighter. And most intriguingly this warm S thing was around all day and I believe is meant to be around for the rest of the week. Ha!

Been a very good week so far even without the S thing. Had friends round for an apéro dinatoire last Saturday. That hybrid event which sits between a drinks do and a dinner party, with different plates of tasters including homemade guacamole -the avocados were just perfect and beetroot tzatsiki. Mike made some baby smoked trout tartelettes and some savoury cases with different fillings. cold meats, gorgeous melon with a slightly sharp blue cheese. One of our friends made a mirabelle tart with very fine and slightly crisp pastry - it was very good. Fun evening with a mixture of French friends who speak a little bit of English, Americans who speak a little bit of French and the rest of us filled in the gaps or translated whenever necessary. Sunday our friends Sue and Dave who are staying nearby in Cravant cooked us Sunday lunch, which was really lovely. Sue did a great job but then she would as she's a very good cook. The weather didn't - do a good job. Chucking it down throughout the afternoon with total abandon. As if we needed more of the wet stuff. Hey ho. 

The mayor of Cravant has been organising support for insurance claims after the flooding mess in Cravant. We downloaded some images for our neighbours Jacqueline and Norbert, whose cave and contents were flooded out and totally ruined. The images were revolting. The water carries all sorts of stuff with it, so looks and smells badly and is inevitably corrosive. So nothing was safe. Absolutely foul. Just hope insurance is settled quickly for everyone.

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