Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Fun and games in Cravant

Severe flooding in various parts of France at the moment. As for Cravant, well it has its own problems as we discovered this morning. There has been rain pretty much from the beginning of the year with odd days of sunshine. We arrived in rain yesterday and reported on the storm that had done so much damage.

This morning we woke up to a grey day. We'd had a good evening last night with our friends who are in Cravant for a month, renting a house nearby from other friends of ours.  We'd arranged to take them to Leclerc on the outskirts of Chinon this morning, which is also where we pick up petrol. The weather suddenly went from grey to black with rod iron rainfall for about two hours. Our friends had an electrical problem in the house, which was in the process of being sorted out. We went to collect them from the house. They were following us to Leclerc on the back route which is also the most direct. Great start to our friend's holiday!!

I set off on with Sue, arranging to meet Mike and Dave at Leclerc as they were sorting the electrics out. The latest rainfall had brought a lot of gravel and mud on to the road as we drove along. Some big branches were down as well. Just ahead the traffic had stopped outside the house of Jean-Claude and Christine Dellalande - wine producers who we know. The water was pounding down the road next to their house, across the main road causing flooding the otherside. Impassable because a water main had also burst and so was really aggravating the problem. I backed up and turned round.  Saw about six caravans coming towards the same point. Tried to slow them down. Then saw Mike and Dave in other car. Tried to slow them down. I was at this point blocking my side of the road so had to go on. Found a place to stop, turned round and went back to where I thought Mike and Dave were in the other car. On the way back, saw Dave passing me without Mike. Picked Mike up further along. An electrician was going to the house, so Dave was returning home. Mike, Sue and I were going on  to Leclerc.

With everyone now together, I turned round again and headed in the opposite direction to Ile de Bouchard where there is also a SuperU and petrol station. Took me past our road. Saw our neighbours Jacqueline and Norbert whose cave had been severely flooded. Stopped for a chat with them and their neighbour who we know - Matthieu. Then carried on into the centre of Cravant to pick up the Ile de Bouchard road. As we suspected the road to Ile de Bouchard was flooded, so the entry was barred. Usually happens after heavy rain but thought we'd give it a try. So turned back and picked up the Cravant road which would take us through the forest. It comes out on to the big Tours to Chinon road, which also goes past Leclerc. No chance. In Cravant saw various neighbours whose gardens are completely flooded. The gulleys were full to breaking point and running very fast. Water was pouring fast across the forest road at various intervals. At this point it was safest to just go home. Fortunately I had picked up a few supplies when I went shopping yesterday. So was able to give some things to Sue and Dave who hadn't anything edible in the house. Of course being a Wednesday, our breadshop was closed. So couldn't buy fresh bread from anywhere.  We have been incredibly lucky so far and not had any problems in the house.  The rain of course having eased off, is now chucking it down again. It's meant to be clearer this afternoon and evening. Let's hope for once the méteo is right.

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