Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Sunday, June 2, 2013

A Good Weekend: Part 1 - Friday : The Blue Hats

No - this is not the latest acapella band giving an outdoor press conference, or  an apprentice T'chai group, or the PomPom Tree Appreciation Society having a private view.  The individual on the far right - see him? That tall, good looking one! You probably recognise him. He is engrossed in an explanation by the Head of Works at Fontevraud Abbey for what can only be described as a truly ambitious energy conservation and reconstruction programme across the Fontevraud site.  At various times in its history, events and individuals have heavily influenced the development of Fontevraud Abbey. For example, it is only fifty years ago this year, that Fontevraud was decommissioned as a prison. One of the harshest and toughest routines in the country. The history of the building and its survival is a fascinating story. Since we've been visiting, restoration work has been pretty much endless, in terms of repairing the building. But the latest project which got underway in April 2013 is fascinating. It has completely changed the way the building operates from day to day.

Here's a view of the old electrics system.

The Engine Room
Here's a view of the workhouse for the new system. But there's also a mix of solar panelling and wood burning boilers. It's quite a change round. We haven't really got our heads round it. But we get the feeling that we've arrived at another one of those moments that will help define Fontevraud for some decades to come.  As always there's a deeper strategy at work. So somewhere within the thinking comes the idea of re-energising and re-invigoration. Most of the time these areas of the site aren't open to the public.
But we were there for a special evening, devoted to pass holders, which we are subscribed to. There was such an event last year, but we were away, so missed it. 

The day at Fontevraud was organised in two parts. Throughout the day and the evening.
Gutted top to bottom
For the evening the site had been closed to the public.
Essentially the works and other key areas, usually closed to the public, were open, with other events to keep everyone entertained. We decided to go in the evening, which itself was in two parts. In all there were 500 pass holders. We'd each paid E5 per head which is about £4.27, for the talk, private site visit and a three course meal with live music. We arrived at 6pm. There was an introductory talk about the project in a special room which is reserved normally just for conferences. It had a beautiful curved timber frame room. We were also told what was happening during the evening. The talks were quite interesting. We then had a chance to walk around the site, which also gave us a viewing of the major hotel refurbishment on site. Fontevraud has had an hotel in its grounds for ages. But it closed about eighteen months ago for restoration and refurbishment. It's been gutted throughout, although original features have been retained. 

Original staircase

As with all the other buildings on the site, the works will completely revolutionise the hotel. Already a Unesco Heritage site, Fontevraud is clearly positioning itself to be the main attraction in the region. In theory it should all be finished later in 2014. As a venue Fontevraud is already well established. It has a fabulous programme of events throughout the year, so it's hard to imagine just how they can better what they already do. We look forward to finding out.

Party Time
The talk and site visit took about two hours thirty to complete and then we all went to the far side of the Abbey where tables had been laid out for a massive barbecue. You sat where you wanted to. A mixture of red and rosé wines and water were on all the tables. You started off with an entrée which was served from one area of the site. Then when you were ready, you went for the main dish which was a barbecue of fish, chicken, lamb and duck. Each person had one of each. Salad and fresh bread to go with. Dessert was fresh ice-cream. I tried violet ice-cream for the first time. Quite extraordinary. Very refreshing. Quite perfumed. Mike had strawberry.

Great Band
All the time we were having dinner we had a band playing. They were soooo good. It was mostly stuff like' Heard It Through the Grapevine' and other Tamla Motown gems. Not all. They were really brilliant and played non-stop from about 8.45 for three hours. At which point everything stopped. Lights went out and we all switched on our mobile phones to create enough light for a group photo.  Two were taken. Then lights back on and we started all over again.

It was one of those great gatherings. All ages together having a brilliant time. It was such a fun afternoon and night. Loved every minute. 

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