Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Saturday, September 29, 2012

From our garden

In the pink
We've started cutting back in the garden. Just bit by bit. It's interesting to see how the same plants are at different stages in their cycle. Some are ready, others not. Those that aren't we'll need to leave for a few more weeks. Most of the roses are nearly finished. But there are a few still with buds on. I cut some for indoors a couple of days ago. The scent is gorgeous. I'm not sure if you can get high from rose scent. But you can certainly get addicted.

Every time Mike comes into the kitchen, I seem to have my nose stuck in one of them.  

Lunch at La Treille
What I have enjoyed cutting back is the rosemary (romarin). We've two healthy looking bushes which have become enormous. Rather than just cut and throw away, I've been bundling up large handfuls of rosemary sprigs and giving them to neighbours, just as they give things to us. Except in our case what we have to offer that is both useful and interesting is rather limited. Fennel and rosemary. That's it. Today I've been leaving a rosemary bag on the fence for next door; another with  L'Auberge, our local restaurant. Really good food. We were there yesterday. Excellent lunch and it was packed. Took some into Chinon this morning for Stephanie who owns and is the now very pregnant chef at a restaurant in town - La Treille, pronounced 'La Trell'. She is always in the market buying fresh produce and herbs, so I knew she'd like some. Last year I wrote 60x60 word very short stories, as a challenge to myself. Steph was the subject of one of them. . .

Taste is her trademark.
Flavour is her gift.
Food is her passion.
Each dish, a unique combination ready to tease and tantalise the palate.
Her ingredients are always fresh and local,
from the market, just opposite in the square.
She dashes between her favoured stalls.
Then returns,
and begins preparing for the lunchtime trade.
The only female chef in town.

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