Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Good times

Been busy rehearsing for the final gig before the summer break kicks in.  It's this Friday. So a rehearsal tomorrow, a run through early evening Friday and then off we go. Fingers crossed it goes as well as the others. But in any case it will be a fun night. The next one isn't until October, so we have some time to look at new material and re-visit some others.

In between singing sessions, Mike has been origamiing like mad to get ready for an all day workshop/craft fair which happened last Sunday in Place Mirabeau in Chinon. He'd made a few things for businesses round the square. Two of them as it turns out organise this event and they suggested to Mike that he might like to take part. So he did. I went along as his assistant and trainee origamist. Various neighbours arrived and other local friends and we chatted a bit to the other stall holders, some of whom we already knew, but hadn't realised they were going to be there. They do what they do, professionally, so tour around regularly and see each other on the circuit. Whereas Mike is an accomplished but nonetheless amateur origamist. This was his first foray into a crafts event at least from a display point of view. He's used to setting things up like this in the UK.  

The professionals have quite an investment to make for these type of events, which are important for selling. There are plenty of fairs in the UK as well. A proper tent/marquee for all weathers. Specific display stands inside, along with the costs of getting their work materials together. There were around 40 stalls, possibly more. Good atmosphere. Weather was kind, although the wind was so gusty which caused a few problems for the artists. And for us. We got there at 8am and had to stick everything down with blue tac. It finished around 6pm. After everyone had cleared up, there was an apèro party at the bar in the square. 

Hope everyone did well. Interestingly Mike sold a few bits and pieces. We'd gone just to take part, get involved locally in another way and meet other people. So a few euros on top was a surprise. He seemed to go down really well with the punters and there were some very happy families for whom this was their first experience of making something.  A fun day.

The question now is, why is Mike sitting there with a rhinoceros stuck on his head. First of all the night before we'd been to a BBQ party which had the zoo as its theme, and everyone was expected to wear something suitable. Next, the hat is a traditional origami pattern, which printers and carpenters used to wear and which appears in Alice in Wonderland, and seemed perfect for what Mike was doing the next day. The rhino was a new pattern for Mike to try as well.  He'd made me a white had with a black rhino on it. So we both look totally stupid which was perfect. Certainly attracted a lot of interest.

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