Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Way to party

What an evening! 
A couple of months back our neighbours Jacqueline and Norbert mentioned a dinner dance Le Grand Mechoui that was happening in Cravant at the end of August. Did we want to go? Yes please! It's one of those events that takes place every year but since we've been here, we've not seen or heard anything about it. In the past we've been away at this time. We saw a tiny notice about it the other day in the regional paper, La Nouvelle République. But it was just a one line job. And there was another mention in a village newsletter. But apart from that, rien. We weren't quite sure as to what sort of event it was we'd signed up for, other than that if it was like all the other village events we've been to in Cravant, the evening would be superbly well organised, brilliant fun and exceptional value. €25 p.p. And of course, it was.

We went round for an apéro at Jacqueline and Norbert's house. Two of their friends came, who we hadn't met before, but were really sweet people - Janette and Jacky, and two neighbours from our road, Jacqueline and Alain. Fabulous apéro had been concocted to start with - pétillant, with passion fruit juice, and a drop of this and that including Cointreau. Really good. Then we took off towards the stade, home to local football and boule, where about 8 inter-connecting marquees had been set-up. The entrance was essentially a large space with a big bar on one side and the serving area for food on the other. This led into another large area with a wooden dance floor in the middle, and the MC/DJ set-up at the other end. On eac side were the dining room spaces, which had enough space to seat all 400 of us.

Le Grand Mechoui/Lamb Barbecue was really like a big village party. At least that's how it felt to us, and more so than anything else we've been to in the village. The Saint Vincent party at the end of January, which is organised by the same committee, is a much bigger  affair, attracting these days lots of people from elsewhere in the region. By comparison Saturday night was very much a Cravant affair. 

A perfect evening. Got there around 7.30. Pétillant flowed till about 8.30, during which we discovered that there were a lot of people we knew. So loads of chatting. The roasting pit was outside behind the marquee area. Invisible to the eye, but alluring to the nose, with wonderful aromas wafting about. Wines were included in the price of the ticket. Wonderful buffet selection for the entrée. We were called up by table number. The main course and side dish were brought to the table on big platters and we served ourselves and passed everything along. Delicious.Then back we went, by table, for the cheese course and dessert, which were apple tarts. Meanwhile the MC/DJ just did his stuff. Before dinner, between courses and after dinner, we just danced our legs off. The MC/DJ we've seen a lot of times at bigger gigs round and about. He's truly superb. Really got everyone going and kept them going. There were a couple of vignerons who we now know are stunning dancers. Jean Louis Loup and Thierry Landry. So used to seeing them 'at work'. To see really going for it and having fun like that was brilliant. 

Put it this way. We crawled into bed around 2.30 in the morning. Enough said.

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