Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Monday, September 9, 2013

Up and Running

Well at last! I'm pleased to be able to say my website is up and running. Logo supplied courtesy of Mr. Mike Shearing - thanks so much M. Finished the site very late last night. Imageshms - not the original name I was going to use, but that wasn't available. This one was. My first attempt, which I can honestly say I have done myself - part of the challenge. I've really enjoyed every moment of it. Kept it simple, and am pleased with the way it looks.  All the links work. Although for some reason the scape button itself is a bit slow. There's an introduction on the button as well as a drop down panel. I'm not sure if there's a way to speed it up. Will check it out.

I've wanted to build a website for a while. Actually began last year, using the iweb on my MacBook. But with all the travelling around we were doing, I just had to leave it, and in the end abandoned that version, having discovered that the Apple merge with iCloud didn't support the web software. Wasn't a waste of time. I'd learnt a lot and having had a look around, found Wix and was able to start again, with clearer ideas, as well as the determination to finish. 

This blog isn't linked to the website, it's a completely separate affair, and I wanted to keep it like that -  although I have included the blog address on the footer. I've had a grand sort out of photos, which is useful in itself. I now know what I do best as well as the type of photos I'm short on. People shots being one. I don't like having my own photo taken is behind it all, so feel I can't take shots of others. At the moment those images come mostly from special festivals in and around Chinon. But I am reformed!! So watch out peeps, next time I see you!! More black and white too. Just started up again with those shots. There are ideas for additional pages. I've been developing specific photo projects, the first of which will start very soon. The main aim though was to get the website set up and working, which has now happened. So I'm pleased.

The pic here is of Mike's latest origami wonder. It was a neighbour's birthday last week, so he made this flower ball for her. Sixty pieces of paper, individually folded and then stuck together. It was fabulous and went down a storm.


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