Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Well this is a daft day - part 2

What news to report today? Basically another poor - yes that about sums it up - poor weather day. It's been pretty much raining or to put it another way, the sky has an ongoing plumbing problem which means it has been chucking down the wet stuff non stop, albeit in a kinder, drizzlier sort of way. 'Good for the garden' type rain. We have a couple of days booked to visit Chambord and Cheverny for the first time. Although it will be Cheverny first and then Chambord - Monday and Tuesday - by which time it should have just about cleared up weather wise as we set off back to Cravant on Wednesday, via, hopefully, Chaumont, for the annual garden design festival, which opened last month.  So there are interesting visits ahead with a few extra options, should the weather be really horrible. 

Mike and I do have an umbrella problem which is why we always carry our own. Love is NOT sharing an umbrella in our household. It comes down to the difference in height. Mike is somewhat taller than me. I am somewhat shorter than he. So the prospect of us both attempting to shelter under the same umbrella becomes problematic. If it is held to suit my height, Mike becomes a contortionist, as he tries to squeeze himself within the circumference of the umbrella's edge. It's a bit like being accompanied my Max Wall. Even the hair style is (sort of) similar.  If the umbrella is held at a height to suit Mike, I just get drenched, while somehow Mike doesn't. Which really doesn't make sense as he still has to hold it high up in the air. But never mind.

Anyway what could be better on a wet and windy day than to have a French lesson. So here's bi-lingual boy - the one and only, Eddie Izzard  to show you the ropes.

Bonne soirée à tous!

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