Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Monday, May 27, 2013

Remains of the day

There is something special about eating fruit and vegetables that are grown and ripened locally. The flavour is different. Right now we're re-discovering the taste of artichokes. Something we've not eaten for ages, and then it was in the UK, with the result that neither of us could work out what was so good about them. It's Artichoke season here, so we bought some from our local market and have just eaten this evening for dinner. Had to remind myself how to prepare and cook them. First step - trim leaves and stem. Then put some water in a deep pan and add some slices of lemon, bay leaves. Also garlic, but this was fresh garlic from the market at the same time we bought the artichokes. So this 'bouillon' mix goes to the water. Then put the empty steamer basket into the water and bring it to steaming point. Then add the artichokes, cover with lid and steam for about 40 mins or until the leaves can be pulled off.  They were lovely and certainly had the additional but flavour from the bouillon steam.

Artichokes are still fiddly to eat, but they are very good. As the leaves are removed, the outer dark green colour becomes a gorgeous purple, and the leaves become particularly sweet and tender. The heart of the artichoke is just delicious. But one of those flavours that is very hard to describe. Definitely worth the effort.

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