Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Food for thought

We've met an American couple, Moira and Chris who are renovating a house in a village called Seuilly. It's the other side of Chinon to us. They're in France for a year, to experience the life and get work done on their house. But with three teenagers, the plan for the immediate future seems to be to come to France three times a year. Great experience.  We have a number of friends over in Seuilly now - French, English and German. It seems to be a pretty multi-cultural environment and several of them including Moira (Chris is busy working) come to one of our Anglo-French groups.

Moira is vegetarian - not easy in France, certainly not where we are. We have various friends in the UK who are vegetarian, so for some time, at least fifteen years, we've been trying out recipes and really enjoy the food. Moira and I decided to prepare a vegetarian lunch for our Anglo-French group today. There's always a picnic lunch (everyone brings their own) after the conversations on Monday and Thursday. But every now and again, like today, someone likes to do something different. Stupidly we both forgot to bring cameras, so there's not a single pic for the blog. How daft is that.

Anyway for E7 per head (there were fifteen people) and including wine and bread, the menu was as follows:

Veloute de Cauliflower
Braised cabbage with tofu; Vegetarian Moussaka with a selection of salads:
Rice Salad, Beetroot Tzatziki, Belarusse Carrot Salad, individual salad nicoise
Wine: Vieille Vigne 2011: Domaine Hérault - Panzoult (next village to Cravant), which is
a fantastic wine.
Apple cake with a honey yoghurt dip and fresh fruit

Seemed to go down very well. Both pleased with the combined effort, although we appreciate
that no one was converted to vegetarianism. Not sure I would want to be a full-timer. But we certainly eat vegetarian meals once or twice a week, and view them as part of a balanced diet. And with all the fantastic fresh vegetables and fruit available from Chinon market and other local producers, it's just brilliant fun.

Next time I'll remember the camera.

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