Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The grand sort out - French side

For the first time in six years, I've had all my clothes together in one place. Mike's been telling me for ages that I've got too many, and now having them all here in front of me, I am reluctantly inclined to agree with him. There is a reason for it - apart from being westernly decadent. Having a split life has meant two lots of everything. We divided our belongings into two, prior to our move from London to Wiltshire and the house which we had built in France. Any items that didn't work in either space were given to someone, sold off or went to a charity. There were some we just didn't need in either place and others that we had to buy new for both places as the houses are very different in style and space and required a different approach. Clothes however were something else.

I attempted in 2007 to split things up between the British end and the French end. Favourite items demanded a different strategy. To duplicate, or not to duplicate that was the question. 'whether twas nobler in my mind to suffer the excesses of outrageous fortune' by doubling up, or simply to transport said favourite items at the appropriate time of year, bearing in mind that I had favourites in all the season. As it turned out, I did both.

Now of course, not only am I surrounded by clothes, but I've the duplicates to contend with as well. Suddenly the ridiculousness of my decisions is staring me in the face. Since Monday I have been sorting through clothes. We have limited storage space here, so 'colour coding 'has been key. Bit by bit I've reorganised and relinquished, and have so far delivered four bags of clothes to Emmaüs in Chinon, which is our local recycling depot. They take everything.

I felt really pleased with myself and yelled out to Mike  that I was on 'the last leg'. 
'Oh what's left to do ' he asked. 
'Tights and socks'. 
A loud groan followed. But at least he had the decency to admit it was worthy of one of his puns.

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