Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Move Day!

Well today's the day.

' All our bags are packed, we're ready to go,
We're not quite standing outside our door
We're pleased to wake you up, to say goodbye
The dawn has already broken,
there's no taxi waiting or blowing his horn
We're so excited we could die'
(hackneyed lyrics based on John Denver's - Leaving on a Jet Plane)

The house here in BOA looks like a dump with bags and boxes everywhere.
So the plan is that the removal people arrive some time before 9.30am. Then we clear the place.
We're staying with local friends overnight. Then up again early tomorrow as people are coming in to
give the place a spring clean. Then that really is it, although we don't leave BOA until later for the overnight crossing. So the idea is I think to go into Bath, then come back here. Grab dinner somewhere and take off around 7.30pm.

Must admit the thought of being in one place, albeit temporarily, without the six weekly routine of packing and unpacking, rather appeals. 

So blogs away. Bye for the moment.

Normal and regular service will be resumed from Wednesday 10 April, from France.

Bises  à tous

Adding a ps. I'm not being disaparaging about the original song. Just my awful adaptation.

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