Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Vendange is not underway

A friend sent some information yesterday about a wine producer in Sussex (my county), or West Sussex to be more precise. Nyetimber wines, who produce terrific sparkling wine. They have had just had to scrap their entire 2012 harvest because of the weather, which has badly affected the grapes ability to mature. They rate quality above everything else. This was the company who supplied the wine for the Queen's Royal Barge during the jubilee festivities. The impact will be felt in three to four years time apparently. I've attached an newspaper article about it and their website. 

There have been some 'local' producers on FB giving up dates on how their harvest is going. Laure Dozon at Ligré has had a very good harvest. Another Chateau de l'aulée in Azay le Rideau has had a bit of a struggle with theirs, but it seems to be coming together. Both producers make excellent wine and we buy from them regularly.

It's very difficult to understand fully what's going on locally here in Cravant with the wine harvest. Since my last blog about it, there's been no activity in the village. It started Wednesday then stopped. Plenty of equipment and people waiting to get going, but we've had such heavy rain pretty much ever since that nothing and no one is moving. Today, Sunday, it's more of the same. Producers have parcelles of vines with different soils, all over the place to provide the fabulous range of flavours that all of us here are accustomed to drinking, and from just one grape. Cabernet Franc  But the balance between sun and rain is crucial as part of that process. 2012 has been up the creek in that respect.

I just hope that there are any 2012 harvest casualties amongst the Cravant wine producers.

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