Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Well this is a daft day!

We're back in flaming winter!! It's nutty. One minute gorgeous sunshine, then huge blobs of rain, back to sunshine and really warm temperatures, then the clouds come, horrible big grey-black things, then the wind kicks up, so you feel as if the house is taking off to Kansas, temperature drops, out come the winter woollies AND we've still got a winter weight duvet on our bed!
For goodness sake it's halfway through May.

Our neighbours who have a large potager/vegetable patch that runs along the bottom of ours and other neighbours gardens, are always concerned about the weather. It isn't just a British thing. At the moment therehasn't been enough sunshine for anything to grow properly. So way behind for this time of year and am guessing it's the same for the wine producers.

What a rotten day too for all the portes-ouvertes of which there are several happening this weekend. Some have organised les pique-niques as well. We were due to go to one at lunchtime today, but other things have cropped so we can't. Instead we went along about 11.30 am for a chat, tasting, joined in with a guided tour, and finally indulged in some fizzy buying. Got back in the car about 1.00pm, and the rain and wind just haven't stopped since. They'd sensibly got a big marquee out - a Barnum - and had trestle tables laid out inside, so the pique-niquers were safely installed inside. Not the same though. So wanted it to be a lovely day for everyone.

Am looking out of the office window on to a blaze of red from the Azaleas. Startling colour against the grey and wet of the gloom. They look fabulous.

This evening we're going to a Barbecue. Ha ha ha ho ho ho!! Fortunately the friends we have over in Seuilly have an enormous place with out-buildings, so there's no shortage of inside space as alternative venue.

Which reminds me of a very British barbecue we went to one Sunday up in London. The weather was really the pits. Peeing with rain. But us hardy types were determined. In any case what's a drop of wet to the diving fraternity. So despite the rain, wind and cold, out we all went into the garden sporting a mixture of flippers, goggles, wetsuits, snorkles, shorts, t-shirts and umbrellas and just got on with it. One of the best impromptu fancy dress barbecues we ever been to.

Perhaps we should start them here. 

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