Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Monday, May 13, 2013

Unexpected connections

We've just had a terrific few days with our friends Diane and Tony, who arrived for a long weekend from London - their first visit to us in France as well as their first in some time to this region. The weather was very kind and we managed in a very relaxed way, to sample a good selection of local wines and cuisine, as well as driving slightly further afield to two very beautiful gardens. Both have been mentioned previously in the blog as amongst our favourite places. So we are always delighted to return and at any time of the year.

La Chatonnière
Sunday was garden day. In the morning we went to La Chatonnière. Then after at a gorgeous lunch at L'Etape Gourmande, which is just outside Villandry, we headed back into the centre of the town to spend the afternoon in gardens at Chateau Villandry. It was a really fabulous day.

A few weeks ago we picked up a copy of a magazine called ICi. . . which is a bi-lingual magazine about the Loire Valley.  A really useful publication with lots of interesting features, which as it turned out this time round, particularly so for us.

Edition 5: Saison 2013 as well as gardening tips carried some interviews with three highly regarded and influential garden designers from the region. The one that interested us particularly was with Ahmed Azeroual - Head Gardner at La Chatonnière. Seeing his photo in the magazine I realised we'd seen him a number of times at La Chatonnière without realising who he was or knowing his story. The link is mostly in French, a little bit of translation here and there and some good photos and illustrations.  So this last Sunday we arrive at La Chatonnière with Diane and Tony, and who should be on duty, covering admission to the site, but Ahmed Azeroual. We'd arrive early, and as at that time there was only one other couple there who were well ahead of us, I grabbed the chance to have a chat to him, in French and stopping every now and again to translate. 

An absolutely charming man, originally from Morocco. His is an extraordinary career. He worked for twenty years at Villandry he told me and has worked now for twenty years at La Chatonnière in partnership with Béatrice de Andia, whose own story is fascinating.  Both gardens are magnificent. In 2009 he received a highly prestigious award - the Order of Agricultural Merit- on the day of his  60th birthday. I can't imagine a better birthday present.

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