Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Mad French and Englishmen go out in the midday rain

It's Battle of the Bands today in Chinon. Totally mad the lot of them. Happens every year. Bands playing all over town throughout the day, in daft costumes and singing crazy songs. That is until the evening, then it all gets serious as they compete for the Best Band slot. We got in early to Chinon, when the bands had only just started warming up. There were about four of them  playing at the time, on street corners and in the town squares. But as the day rolled on, more were expected. It's a popular event.

Not sure what the theme was this year.
The white trousered lot (above), were on one side of Chinon's main square,
encouraging people to waltz round, while trying not to get run over. The green band, were on the other side of the square and spotted me waiting to take a photo. Most obliging they were, and then they commandeered this additional green accessory, just so I could take a photo of them with their newly acquired green mascot. The driver must have been thrilled. They were good fun though, with some decent voices amongst them.

Then we came across the yellow band, who look like a group of performing bees. They are all singing, marching, dancing band, and are all really quite good. Certainly gave everyone a bit of a laugh on another really cold and gloomy day. The French like their bands and this lot in Chinon certainly seemed to be enjoying themselves. All the clowning aside they had to know what they were doing. Incredibly difficult to play, sing and dance at the same time.  They made it look easy.

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