Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

St.Vincent-celebrating in style

Ready for St.Vincent-Cravant 2015
So much for N.Y. resolutions.Started this ten days ago and then got distracted. Anyway we've been to a few parties lately. Or to be more precise a few St. Vincent celebrations. Cravant has excelled itself, resulting in some superb publicity.

It's probably about ten or twelve years ago, that we went to our very first St.Vincent. Since then, we've been going alternate years up until this year, when we managed two. Cravant our own village was the first, which is always held in January and the second, a week later, was in the salle de fête in Île de Bouchard, which is just up the road from us.

This year, Cravant achieved pole position in France, for the largest village party celebrating St Vincent-the patron Saint of wine-producers. It is an extraordinary achievement, resulting from years of consistently high-standards, hard work and determination.

Our introduction to St.Vincent took place in a large marquee which at the time was erected behind the salle de fête in the centre of the village. We didn't have our house then, but were staying with British friends who had a holiday home the other side of the village. Being Londoners with varying connections, we were used to large-scale catering and prestigious events, so the idea of St.Vincent was in our minds just another 'party'. We hadn't reckoned on being blown away by the quality, the efficiency, the professionalism and what we now know as being integral to this community's life, the conviviality.

That year there were 600 people. A wooden floor had been installed and heating as St.Vincent in Cravant, always on takes place on the last Saturday in January each year. The tables were laid up for silver service and looked fabulous. There was a stage area for announcements and presentations. I suppose then we were paying around €50 p.p. for an event that  started at midday and finished in the early hours of the morning, and was inclusive of everything.

Fast forward to 2015. We're sitting in a huge marquee that sits 1600 quite comfortably, floor, heating, once again beautifully laid out. Alongside there is another marquee that houses the catering and serving teams which this year totals seventy people. Tickets were €84. We hadn't been sure if this number of people would work, but from our point of view, it was once again delicious.- a six course meal very well presented, with special wines, a tombola and entertainment. The meal finished around 8.30, then as per usual everyone left - for a wine tasting. Coaches had been laid on to transport people round the five wine producers. We walked to two nearby ones with neighbours and spent some time at Philippe Pion's Domaine des Quatre Vents. Makes lovely wine and there were lots of people there that we knew. So we pretty much stayed put. Eventually we wandered back to the marquee for some dancing. Think we got in around 2am.

Numbers of out of region visitors are increasing. We and our neighbours certainly weren't aware of that many locals. For Cravant it is now well established and has acquired a very good reputation. Apparently at least 200 people had to be turned away. Whether or not the numbers will be increased again, we don't as yet know. But there seems to be two trains of thought. One to keep it to 1600 and the other to go for 2000+. The problem with events like this is that the cost of them doesn't increase neatly across the event as a whole. There seem to be the same numbers of sponsors. Around 35. So there is a question as to what is going to happen next. Hopefully we'll discover more at the A.G.M.

I should add that St. Vincent at Île de Bouchard was brilliant and also the first time we'd been. There was a Mass to begin with, but afterwards everyone met at Panzoult in the huge cave which overlooks the village. It's an amazing place, which we visit at least once a year but always on May 1 for the annual Foire au vins. There were some prayers, speeches and an apéro or two, before we drove the short distance to the salle de fête in Île de Bouchard. We were with neighbours again and mutual friends. Probably about 400 people. Beautifully laid out. The same chef and team as at Cravant, although obviously smaller. Wonderful atmosphere. Lots of local people who were there to have a wonderful time. And we all did. Singing, dancing, sometimes on chairs and on the tables.  Loved it.
Hopefully we'll go again next year.

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