Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Compagnie Hervé Koubi

Chinon has a multi-purpose venue in the centre of town called L'Espace Rabelais. We go there often and for different things. Some are annual or occasional events. Others, such as was the dance piece we saw the other night, are one-offs. Compagnie Hervé Koubi came to Chinon a couple of years ago, although we missed them then, and returned this year with a new piece last week, Ce que le jour doit à la nuit.

The all-male dance company of twelve from Algeria were simply stunning. Very physical in appearance and style, they were originally all 'street dancers', mostly Hip Hop, that the choreographer met on his travels. Their roots emerge from time to time in some of the movement, set to an eclectic mix of Bach, Hamza El Din & the Kronos Quartet and Sufi music. Quite mesmerising.

I've found some you tube clips of the company performing this new piece. They give an idea, but not a true impression of the complexity of the choreography, the technical and interpretative demands.  L'Espace Rabelais was full, which tells you everything really.   Fortunately at the end of the performance while Hervé Koubi was introducing the dancers individually, he explained that they have already started developing a new piece of choreography, which hopefully will be coming to Chinon in 2017. Fingers are crossed!

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