Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Monday, November 17, 2014

70 somethings, other Iconic Figures and newsy bits

Hadn't realised how much time had passed since my last blog. We've been running at full speed and are just catching up with ourselves.

Came across a couple of snippets of information last week. Both concern the writing world although from vastly different directions.  

Le Monde started up in 1944. One of the most well-known daily newspapers, it celebrates its 70th anniversary this year. A mere teenager compared to some, but nonetheless grasping all that modern technology has to offer. Here's me,  the new owner of a mini ipad. How long has it taken me to round to buying one!! Then there's Le Petit Prince -an iconic piece of French literature. Just love it. This 70th anniversary marks the disappearance of the author/pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

Sir Quentin Blake received France's highest accolade this year - the Chevalier of the Légion d'honneur. Hadn't realised that he was such a francophile or that he has had a home in La Rochelle for at least twenty years. He is bi-lingual with a profound appreciation of French culture. A wonderful illustrator who is clearly greatly appreciated both sides of the channel.

Closer to home, we've had projects popping out from every corner. Busy coordinating a WWl evening for one of the bi-lingual groups we belong to at the end of November and a Christmas party the week after, for another.  A new association is being set up in Chinon, which focuses on the Renaissance period. The Collectif Carnaval Re-Naissance Chinon had it's inaugural meeting a week ago. The project has been master-minded by Valérie Poignonec. Obviously it's in the very early stages of development, but a committee has been formed, a team of enthusiastic and experienced individuals who can design and sew is coming together. But more people are needed  as well as materials with which to design and make authentic costumes. Mike and I have been working on the publicity and yesterday presented the logo, poster and leaflet to the group which went down extremely well. 

Another thing we're really looking forward to starts this Friday, when we have our first session of helping with English pronunciation at a local primary school in Chinon. It's on a voluntary basis. We each help in two consecutive classes, which are about twenty minutes long. Mike has the older school children, as they are closer to his height and I have the younger age group - as they are closer to mine!!  It's a regular weekly commitment of 40 minutes.  We met the Head Teacher a week or so ago whose idea this was. Seems a really nice man and very enthusiastic.  So keep your fingers crossed!!


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