Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

In training for Christmas

La Forteresse - Chinon
This weekend signalled the start of the Christmas lead-up. Began Saturday night when some French friends came round for apéros at about 7pm. Lots of laughter and chatting till around 11pm. Unfortunately one of them had to work Sunday morning on the early shift. Not something to be envied. Mike had prepared virtually all the food. Very proud of him. Did a v.g.job. One of our friends also brought round a delicious savoury gateau. A really fun evening together over a few glasses of some lovely Vouvray, with the boys following on with some delicious red wine from Nicholas Pointeau. 

Sunday morning we headed into Chinon to meet our friend Sylvie for coffee. Quite chilly, but the small market was up and running and quite a few people were out and about. We dropped into Café de Arts and had a good natter with Sylvie, who lives the other side of Chinon with husband Jacques. Sylvie was at the concert we did last week, and was still talking about it this morning. Sunday evening were over in Chinon at L'Espace Rabelais to hear a Basque choir. A mixed programme of ancient songs and chants in the first half and more contemporary in the second. A big sound - about twenty-five strong.

Received a lovely invitation to spend Christmas Eve with neighbours and their family. In France 24 December is the important day and very much a family occasion. We'd made the decision to spend this first Christmas and New Year in France and have been finding out what does or doesn't happen, or what is or isn't open, so we could get some ideas together. Anyway our neighbours so generously invited us round, so that we could mark the season in a fun way. Extremely kind of them. There'll be about twelve of us - adults and children. Being a traditional meal we were wondering how best to contribute, so having discussed it with them, we'll be looking after the drinks and food for the apéro. Mike being the 'origami chef' makes terrific little savoury tartelettes, so he's doing some of those and we'll also make some mini mince pies, to take round. Really love for us to be doing this.

Monday we met a friend of ours, Marie-Michèle at a lovely restaurant - Les Quatre Vents, which is over in Ile de Bouchard. Very simple but so fresh and delicious. Lovely space. Husband and wife team. He's the chef and she covers the restaurant. Great pair. Got there around 12.30 and left around 3pm. They wanted to have a good chat. We ended up being the last to leave. Going back with M-M just before Christmas. Then yesterday we headed over early to Ikea at Tours, to get some Christmas decorations and few other bits and pieces. Having a tree this Christmas - probably the first real tree we've had in at least twenty-five years. So getting stupidly excited at the prospect. We had brought some small decorations over with us from the UK,  - so needed a few more for the tree. Still on the look out for general decorations. Having an apéro party with the neighbours at our place on Dec 14. Really looking forward to having everyone round. Getting all sorts of music sorted out, as we'll all be up for dancing and singing. Want the house to look very Christmassy!!!!

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