Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Crazy weather

Hard to believe - early August. Only 147 shopping days till Christmas. As yet not a single decoration in sight, anywhere. Lovely warm weather. Then last night we drove over to Turquant and found snow.  
The snowman is very cute, don't you think, in his scarf. He'd been positioned in front of a grotto, full of whacky sculptures and jewellery. Isn't it interesting what you can make with knitted plastic.? Try the link. It's a little slow, but you'll see the results of a great gang's efforts at knitting with plastic bags. We had an equally great time doing it. Hopefully my friend Sara-Jane, who was the instigator of this project, will see this blog. We still have a house in Bradford on Avon and will be back there in November for a flying visit.

We go to Turquant quite often. It's a lovely troglodyte village, where it so happens, that as well as a very good restaurant, one of my favourite leather design specialists (that's code for beautiful handbags) has her studio. Carole Noby. Not wishing to pressurize Mike, but just to mention my birthday is only eleven days time. Anyway last night, Turquant launched its Tuesday soirée programme, which takes place  through August. Something different each week. This time there was a huge crafts fair, with some fabulous pieces, live music, impromptu theatre, exhibitions and knitted snow. Loads of people and a great atmosphere. Will be going again in a few weeks time.

P.S. @9 August: spoke to soon. Check out link: http://www.openroadmedia.com/blog/2013-07-30/Christmas-in-July-for-Knitters

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