Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Thursday, August 22, 2013

A new career?

Do I really want to undertake intensive training for marine personnel? Hm. An interesting email to receive, out of the blue. That little box about sharing my details which I religiously  mark 'No', has clearly gone the way of everything else and been ignored. Ah well. I did spend a second or two trying to imagine myself in flippers, wetsuit, goggles with air tank, courageously back flipping over the side of a boat, to embark on a hazardous adventure. Girl's Own magazine, here I come. Couldn't convince myself it was the right thing for me. So thanks for the offer, but sadly I have to decline and stay in Cravant. Life here is far too enjoyable.

We were over in Crissay last night, which is just up the road from us, for an amateur production by the village drama group, Theatre de Manse. Gare des Affectés is a series of texts, written independently by Louis Calaferte (a French novelist 1928-1994) and Jean Tardieu (writer for French radio and a dramatist). They were then stitched together, (presumably by the director) to make a complete play, which takes place in a railway station. Great idea and a perfect setting for meeting multiple characters. Some worked there and observed all the comings and goings. Others were in transit. It's a piece about meetings and separations and proved to be a very insightful and entertaining piece of work.

The play was performed outside in the courtyard of the Chateau at Crissay. Started around 10pm and from what we could tell, was completely sold out. There were some excellent performances. Really enjoyed it and were delighted to discover that Theatre de Manse even existed. Only recently heard about the company from some friends in the village who gave us a leaflet about the show. They celebrate their thirtieth anniversary next year. So now we know Theatre de Manse is there - we'll be going regularly. 

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