Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A beautiful day. . .Part 1

We're just about to set off for the UK - our last time as permanent residents. The move has been in the pipeline for a little while. But even so it's hard to believe that in just seven weeks we'll be based in France. There are a few things to do! This past week we've been surrounded by paperwork. Six different forms. It feels complicated because it's the first time we've done a move like this. But with our French specialist's advice beside us, with all the do's and don'ts, what and when, who and how etc.,  it's all been relatively straightforward she says grabbing the nearest wooden object, which for once is not my head.

If the day stays like it is now, we're in for a lovely drive and crossing. We've been lucky recently weather-wise. Brilliant sunshine and come the afternoon, the light quality has been perfect. Late afternoon is one of my favourite times of the day for taking photographs. Like so many other places, we've had more than our fair share of the wet stuff. Flooding is a regular annual event where we are, so everyone expects it and is prepared for it. But it's higher than we've seen before. There have been some wonderful textures, light and reflection against a very steely grey sky. I've been having a great time taking photographs, but for everyone working the land it's not been easy. We thought as did our neighbours, that we'd seen the last of the rain. The levels started going down, mud and grass started to appear. Mud and I are not natural friends. I seem to get it everywhere, but the views have been irresistible.

Then one morning on our way into Chinon for the market, the water was back again and this time higher still. All the roads near to the Vienne were flooded and impassable and have really only opened up again in the last day or so. As you'd expect the land is very sticky and gooey. Bradford on Avon has its own flooding problems. Not sure how many times the centre of town has been caught by it in the last twelve months. But I think there's three floodings, which have made life for some shopkeepers, very difficult. There have been a few blogs where I mention the height of the river, which can change so quickly with the tides.

Anyway . . .after a bit of a pause in my blogging, there's loads to write about. This visit has been particularly good and our involvement here as moved on for us very interesting ways. But for the moment, it's back on the road. Part 2 tomorrow.

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