Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Friday, September 20, 2013

Mrs Fag-Ash

Been in bed for a good chunk of the week with a streaming cold, hacking cough and no voice. Peace reigns for Mike. The wheezing and rasping sounding voice suggest I've been on 80 a day for years. Went into the market on Thursday and of course saw lots of people we know. Very funny how one second they're on the verge of giving me the usual 2 - 4 kisses (depending on who it is) and then suddenly on hearing I have 'something', have leapt back by about 4 feet.   Not being a pill fan I've trying various natural remedies and the best one for the throat is  gargling with warm salt water, followed up immediately by a chaser of thyme infused very warm water with honey and lemon. It's an amazing mix and sorted my throat out fast. It had been quite painful. Now it's just the cold to get rid of.  Hopefully Mike can avoid most of it.

Went to the supermarket with Mike today. Parked the car. Could hear a cat/kitten miaowing like mad. Then noticed a large group of people huddled round another car parked a few spaces up with the bonnet raised, from where the cat sound was coming. How does a cat get into a car engine? Presumably it would eventually get out the way it got in - from underneath? But forty five minutes later when we left, nothing seemed to have changed.  

The supermarket this time was SuperU at Ile de Bouchard. The town is equal distance from us as is Chinon, except in the opposite direction.  We've never really got attached to it in the same way. There's  a lot over there, including certain things we have to go for - the dechetterie being one.  But as of today, we've decided to go shopping there for some items, more regularly. We're both fans of markets and local produce and have been going into Chinon religiously every Thursday - we'll still be going. But the prices in the market, particularly for fresh fish, are getting silly. It's locally supplied in the supermarket, as we'd hope and have come to expect. Neighbours have said that this SuperU is particularly good quality and pricing. Having seen it today - you can't argue with them. Anyway will give it a try. 

It's an awkward one. Generally speaking, supermarket policy in the UK - not all I know - towards producers has been awful, and over the years we've tried to avoid them, preferring to buy from a farm shop, whenever possible.  Here where we are, there is a stronger supermarket policy to supplying local produce, as well as the wider world stuff. But we're also lucky to be surrounded by producers, so contact with them directly is much easier.
There is also a wholesale local produce outlet just outside Chinon, which we've been talking about going to for ages. Haven't even looked inside as yet. But next week - with our own more 'adventurous' policy in place -  we're taking a look. Some interesting comparisons no doubt.

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