Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Saturday, September 7, 2013

'Liberté Égalité Fraternité Électricité'

Some wag had inscribed this on a wall in Chinon. We came across it on our way to L'Espace Rabelais where the annual Le Forum des Associations was taking place. Made us laugh. Which is more than I can say about the Jehovah Witness ladies who were hanging outside our drive when we got back. I remember seeing them in our road before. At the time the car still had English number plates. They were slightly confused today, by the same car having French number plates, but it didn't stop them chatting us up, with a bible reading in very dodgy English.  If there any J.H. supporters looking at this blog, very sorry but I really don't like being approached, uninvited in my own driveway,  by religious types intent on signing me up. The two women today were, as JH supporters always are, very polite. This diminutive Freedom of belief supporter was equally polite in return. But as Mike said afterwards, they soon realised I wasn't to be messed with. And I did it all in French as well. So felt a degree of satisfaction. Same as yesterday. I bought a copy of Le Monde and discovered a very interesting article about the Pompidou Centre, which we'll be visiting in October. I read and understood every word without a problem. Genuine improvement. Open that bottle of wine!!

The Forum des Associations is a September fixture, which attracts all sorts of local organisations. Some are official offering educational support for different age groups, as well special needs.  There are also specialised interest groups such as astronomy, folk dancing, model aeroplanes, country and western dancing, crafts, history groups. There's always an interesting selection, all of which are set-up in the same large space in the centre of the building. So there's no problem finding everyone and getting round. There's also a stage, so at scheduled times different groups would give a presentation or would be interviewed. Hope they had a good turn-out. Chinon seemed quiet today.

That was possibly due to it being the Vignes, Vins and Randos weekend. A regional event, where villages and towns receive visitors for a walk usually around 3 hours. On the way there are wine tastings and food tastings. The last two years the local event was in Cravant. For the next two years it is in Chinon. Walks were available this afternoon or early tomorrow morning. We've opted for the early session at 8.30am and are going with some neighbours. Looking forward to it. Camera is set to go, so more later with hopefully a few decent pics.

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