Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The things you find

original cast
I had got a blog sorted out for today. At least in my head. But then everything changed to more important matters. First of all, Trekkies have been gathering for a Star Trek convention in London this month: 19-21 October.  Got to admit it has been an amazing year for London. First of all Mrs. Queen celebrates her sixtieth anniversary as Mrs Queen. Then came the Olympics, followed by the Paralympics and now a Star Trek convention, which this year has five Star Trek Captains all present and correct. My favourites are Kirk and Jean-Luc Picard otherwise known as William Shatner and Patrick Stewart.   
Am I getting excited or what! 
I am a Junior Trekkie, in as much as I loved the first few series, but never progressed to the costume or make-up stage. The idea of getting decked out does rather appeal though. The question is as what. I'm grappling with the fact that despite my aspirations, I would never have been cast as an Elf in Lord of the Rings - height problem. Or maybe they did they have short elves and Tolkien simply never got round to writing about them, and now obviously, never will. So Star Trek has got to make up for it. I quite fancy playing Uhuru the Communications Officer in the original series. (That would be me in the back row second from the right). Driving the Starship Enterprise instead of Sulu would be good. (That would be me in the back row first on the right). Warp factor 9 Lt. Shearing. Beam me down Shearing. Oops no that means that I'd have to be the whizz engineer, Scotty - don't think so! I'm not good with a spanner.  This is all too much. I'll just have to content myself with watching the DVDs of the original series. Devil in The Dark is one of my favourite episodes featuring The Horta. Terrifying at the time, it now looks like a speeding brown blancmange with acne and a fringe. Still good ideas in the script though. Or The Menagerie - a two-parter all to do with  mind control, illusion and other things.

Then came the news that Superman had resigned from his post with The Daily Planet. This is serious stuff. You know things must be really bad if even Superman has given up. Does this mean that the all American hero is going to disappear for ever? Who will he be replaced with? Wonder if there's any chance that the Lone Ranger and Tonto will come back with their trusty steeds Silver and Scout. Nice little clip here. Will have you on the edge of your seats! Not that I'm regressing or anything, but according to my mother, I used to watch this every week, and every week I would run round the back of the television set to see where all the cowboys and horses and disappeared to.

Having suffered a double whammy of missing a Star Trek convention and a superhero resigning, I thought I'd go outside and do some gardening. Beautiful afternoon and after all the rain we'd had, the beds had dried out enough so that I didn't get covered in mud as I walked around pruning and weeding. Started cutting back one of our rosemary bushes that had grown too big and was becoming a bit of a thug. The branches were so thick, I had to climb into the bush to be able to cut it back. I'd taken off a couple of pieces, then saw carefully balanced on a thick branch but wedged against our house wall an empty, but perfect birds nest. It was an amazing construction and completely hidden from view. Whichever bird built it had a good eye for a secure spot. I took a few photos of it, then left it intact. Had no idea it was there.  Cheered me up no end.

PS It looks like The Lone Ranger is coming back. There's a film being produced with Johnny Depp. Well who else could it possibly be!

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