Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Photographic Egg Box

'Spot the Clanger'
We get our eggs or have been getting them, from our cheese producer over at La Roche-Clermault who also has free-range chickens and eggs available. But as of a month or so ago, some very near neighbours (the next road) began selling their free-range chickens and eggs. So ever keen to support a village enterprise, we've started buying from them. Chicken and eggs were excellent.
Over time I've collected a pile of egg boxes (cardboard), which have been sitting on the side in our kitchen, waiting to be taken round to our neighbour. Emilie, the neighbour with the eggs and chickens, in fact came round yesterday with some others for coffee, but it was pouring with rain so the egg boxes stayed put.
Quite fortuitous as it turned out.

It had been a pretty grey day today which had left us feeling slightly 'out of sorts' as grey wet days sometimes can do. Then early evening, the most amazing sunlight burst through and caught the egg boxes in a golden spotlight. Of course - out came the camera. It was a really fun exercise to try and take photos of cardboard egg boxes, starting with an obvious edge of boxes shot. The light wasn't going to last very long, so I began moving the boxes around and finding more interesting angles and textures on the insides. I'm so used to the smooth outer appearance of an egg box, while the inside I don't really take a lot of interest in. It's just a piece of practical product design to hold an easily breakable item in place.

The 'Madonna' landscape
But this afternoon with the help of some wonderful light and a macro lens, the rougher, lumpier inside of the egg boxes became a real landscape. Or several landscapes.  Sometimes they took on a slightly 'lunar' appearance. Sometimes they were 'clanger-ish' and sometimes, 'Madonna-ish'.

The whole thing lasted about ten minutes.

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