Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Friday, January 2, 2015

A bit of TV

Not having access to British Television in France - our choice - it's been interesting to catch a tiny bit over the holidays. Not that it's the usual fare. The only thing that we really enjoyed was Wallender- the original Swedish version of a new 4-part series, two parts being show back to back on two nights. Parts 1 and 2 we watched during Christmas near Salisbury and parts 3 and 4 last night, in our little apartment in BOA. Never seen a Wallender before in any version. Really good we thought. Like the writing, the pace, the characters - well everything really. We avoided Spiral-series 4, which has just started over here and has already begun in France. Terrific series. Consistently good. Might by a Wallender DVD when we get back. Seem to remember news that another Foyle's War was being made. Classy piece of work that one. Will have to find out more.

Coming to the end of our visit to BOA, with dinner with friends tonight. It's been interesting spending a week here rather than 2 or 3 days. A little more time to see friends. Obviously different because of the time of year, but we try to keep up with what's happening in the town through various newsletters that we've subscribed to, and of course FB updates.

Here's to the next time.

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