Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Friday, April 11, 2014

We are one and other things

Being the 100th anniversary of the birth of Marguerite Duras, we were treated last night to two films that were Duras from start to finish, one being an adaptation of a book and the other a screenplay.

Amant/The Lover (1992) is based on Duras's semi-biographical novel of the same name, and is beautifully written, played and at times explicit. I've put in two links to the two film trailers, one being for the French market and the other for the English market. The styles are very different. The French for me captures the sensuality and underlying passion, whereas the English version has to explain everything and as a result, it comes across as something more ordinary. At least, that's my reaction. The story is set in French IndoChina in the late 20s.

The second film was Hiroshima Mon Amour (1959). Quite mesmerising. Reviewed as a 'masterpiece' by the director Alain Resnais and we couldn't agree more. The trailer is of an age, so sound quality and visuals are a bit creaky. But the film version on tv had been recently restored and the quality as a result was fabulous. The story juxtaposes a French woman's experiences during WW2 with that of Hiroshima and the aftermath of the bombing. It's not at times easy to watch, with the two stories being presented in flashback. But it's immensely rewarding.

Just bought Seasons 1-3 of Spiral - a French tv police and legal drama series set in Paris. Word of mouth is that it's excellent. Darker than The Wire and the reviews are excellent. So thought we'd give it a try, mainly to move on from Commissaire Moulin, made back in the late 70's and is shown regularly on channel 17 here. Usually the performances are good, but the stories are a bit hit and miss. But a useful intro for us to French crime drama. 

Just completed our first year, which is hard for us and everyone else to believe. Been a manic week. Films, talks, book club, an AGM with concert. Party tonight to celebrate a neighbour's birthday. There's a big nuclear protest tomorrow in Chinon, which is part of a coordinated plan in key cities in the region - may be across the country. Going to a gig tomorrow night, Sunday general gardening, tidying day at home and if it's nice hopefully a walk - we've friends dropping in for an overnight on their way to Spain, on Monday, so have booked a table for lunch at our L'Auberge. Went there for lunch during the week for our first birthday. Absolutely packed and very good. Any excuse if one is needed to go again. 

We've more gigs coming up. One at the beginning of May and another at the end of June. Also now been asked to coordinate a WW1 project for some time in the autumn and the Christmas party for one of our Anglo/French groups. Mike has also been invited to participate in a Crafts demo in Chinon on 15 June, doing origami. It's in one of the main square - Place Mirabeau, which we always visit for bread, to pick up a paper and the deli. Mike had made origami decorations for some of the shops there, so was immediately thought of, for the crafts thing. We'll do it together, with me attempting to be his glamorous assistant! But it's really great to be involved and will be an excellent opp for meeting other people. Fingers crossed weather wise. 

From now on the portes-ouvertes are in full swing. There are three that we're going to over Easter - some with neighbours and some on our own. We've a big party to go to that weekend as well, and there are various events lined up with one of our Anglo/French groups over the same weekend in Tours. Chinon Wine Fair is on 26 April, and a favourite wine producer has his the same day, so we're calling in there for lunch. 27 April another favourite wine producer is having a p.o. This time we're going with neighbours - so we're all having lunch there after having had a good look round the additional producers who will be on site and that afternoon, a 5/6 k walk round the village has been organised.  These events are amazingly well put together. They are such fun, a lot of work of course, but the atmosphere is just great. I bumped into the girlfriend of another producer we know - Fabrice Dellalande - who coordinates the dinner (amongst other things) for St.Vincent. Mike had spotted him earlier in the week, measuring up the side.  When I saw Evelyn this morning I asked if this was for St.Vincent next year, and it was. 1500 guests next time - so a bigger marquee, which all has to be planned and booked well in advance. These things always do.  

Apart from sampling the local produce and catching up with neighbours and friends, the p-o's are also useful for me to get some photography done. Last phase of current diploma is underway, which I want to finish by the end of April. Like the p-o's this part is people and produce orientated. Timing couldn't be better. 

One way or another life is pretty full on for us one year olds.

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