Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Where has January gone?

Rain again
How come we're in February?  What happened to January? Can someone tell me? Where did it go?  Every year it's the same thing. 1st January arrives, then suddenly it's the lst of February with only 28 days to play with. A short month. So how come it never feels short and January always does. Quite bizaare this time business.

Have got Mendlessohn's 2nd Symphony blasting away in the background. Not something I listen to very often. Probably only the second time ever! But it was mentioned on a friend's blog and described as rarely performed, so felt the need to re-acquaint myself. Requires a full choir and I think three soloists, not forgetting an orchestra. Not a symphony that I've heard talked about very much either. Can't say it's one of my favourites, but it's a rousing piece of work nonetheless. 

Well who'd have thought. Centre Parcs is coming to Chinon - or at least just outside. Mike came rushing in with the news. I thought for a moment he was doing an early warm-up for April Fools day, known here as Poisson d'avril.  But then he sent me a link - and clearly it isn't. Not heard a squeak about this from anyone or read anything. If it's built and run as well as all the others, should be very good for the town. 

A lovely log fire this afternoon got me reflecting on the difficulties of buying a shower hat. I do possess a shower hat, but it been losing it's chutzpah. Meaning it's letting the water in when it's meant to keep the water out. This lack of commitment has been going on for some time. Started last summer and got steadily worse. After a severe talking to there was no improvement, so I set about finding a replacement. 

Well. Chinon might be getting a Centre Parcs village, but can I get a shower cap anywhere. No chance. Absolutely nothing. Even at Leclerc. Needs must, I checked on Amazon. Even that wasn't straightforward. Finally found a simple plain white shower cap and ordered it on line. The postage was more than it was. Anyway four days later, a largish box arrived in our mail box from Amazon - 20 cms square. (7/8 inches to the metrically uninformed). We'd ordered some CDs at the same time, as Amazon had a special offer on. So ripped open the box in anticipation of a night of interesting viewing, only to find the box contained my single solitary shower hat, which I almost threw out with all the packing paper. It was hilarious.  The CDs came the next day - in a box half the size.  

The new shower cap by the way, works brilliant as do the CDs. Watched one this evening The Age of Innocence otherwise known in French as Le Temps de L'Innocence. Stellar cast who did a fantastic job. Beautifully filmed. Had completely forgotten it was a Martin Scorcese film. 

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