Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Revisited: The first and hopefully not the last

The gang
Last October we were invited to help with a vendange. It was a smaller scale family affair over in a village called Bournande. The link is to the original blog - just as a reminder, particularly of what happened at the end. Thank goodness I had a spare pair of M&S knickers.

A few days ago we had some photos emailed to us. We'd seen our friends recently who live in Bournande and wanted to know if we'd received any images. We hadn't so they got in touch with the family and suddenly the photos arrived.  So dreading the response!  However - here they are. . .

Vendange Familiale at Bournande - October 2013

out in the vines
it's getting heavy
treading the grapes

love is treading grapes 2gether


Roll on 2014!!

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