Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Friday, November 22, 2013

Getting geared up!

The wood for our fire arrived yesterday morning. Fabrice the producer and owner of the domaine - La Semellerie and who we know well, drove over with a tractor and trailer load of wood.It was already cut into reasonable sized pieces that will fit our stove, but we have a chain saw, so can always cut it smaller if needs be. Another sign that we're heading into winter, along with various smoking chimneys which have started up in the last few days. Not needed a fire ourselves yet. Still had some wood left over from the last winter, so have a pretty good supply. There's something about the smell of a wood fire which is irresistable, especially when you are out in the countryside for a walk. 

Were out most of yesterday with neighbours for lunch over at Avon les Roches (ALR). As always brilliantly organised and the lunch was stunning. It was a joint club affair, the other one being Crissay.The venue alternates each year, so last year it was in Crissay and this year ALR. 

There were about 150 people. E25 a head inclusive approx £20. Here's the menu:

Apéro: a glass of fizzy - natural or with peach or blackcurrant and individual plates of savouries. Entrée foie gras and smoked duck breast. Fish course: beautiful poached fish in a delicate white wine sauce. Two white wines. A lime sorbet with or without alcohol. 
Main dish: venison with various vegetables. Red wine. Fromages: six to choose from.
Dessert - delicious and super light gateaux with another fizzy. Coffee with a liqueur if you chose to have it.  It was all gorgeous. Really well done. A great atmosphere. And there was some live music, singing at various times.  Started around 12.30. We left around 5.45. Then went back to other friends in Avoine for an hour or so, before coming back to Cravant with our neighbours. It was a terrific occasion. Thoroughly enjoyed it all.

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