Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Thursday, December 20, 2012

What more could a Marmite lover get for Christmas?

I've really made it. Is this fame or what? Live I was. Live, over Oxford street amongst the Marmite Christmas lights. Will life ever be the same again?  I always knew my Marmite obsession would lead to higher things. But this just took the toast with butter and marmite! I could have said 'biscuit'. But who wants drab and dull at this time of the year.  As to what's next. Well. . . the calendar of course! Marmite Girls. I'd be Miss August as my birthday's that month. There I'd be holding my jar of marmite in a tantalisingly strategic fashion. Some of my friends would probably and unkindly say that I'd only need a small jar. But I can take the jibes! Then of course there'd be the film and the stage versions. 2013 is suddenly looking distinctly promising. Who needs to go to France!

Marmite has served me well. And for some time. How could I forget the miniscule savoury sample of marmite in my 'fresher' pack at Uni., the size of a two pound coin that lasted about two minutes? Or my godson's birthday present to me one year, surpassing himself with a box of marmite jars containing the smallest to the very largest. Flying ducks on your wall. You're kidding. Flying marmite jars - empty ones mind you. That's stylish. 

There was a slight aberration (from my point of view) by the producers of Marmite with the arrival of squeegy Marmite. For goodness sake. No way does the marmite from that container taste the same as from the traditional jar. I refuse to be convinced. In any case, who wants a runny Marmite that bears an unfortunate resemblance to the contents of a baby's nappy. The only thing I think that runny Marmite is good for is art classes. I wrote humorously to Marmite to explain all this. Fortunately someone replied humorously with a two-page letter, and included a voucher for a large jar of Marmite and a set of Marmite coasters. Since then I have acquired a pair of Marmite socks with Love on one and Hate on the other; a Marmite T-Shirt, a Marmite coffee cup and saucer and a Marmite fridge magnet. I've eaten my way through quite a few jars of the delicious brown stuff as well as trying Marmite cereal bars. That was a real turn up. An unexpected treat - at least for me. Bristol station one mid-week morning, to discover free Marmite cereal bar samples being handed out at every entrance/exit.  Mike was somewhat perplexed at the time it took us to leave the station and go to the Arnolfini Gallery, which was the whole purpose of us being there, as well as by the size of my coat pockets, which by then, were almost bursting with cereal bars.

So now, as of Thursday 20 December, my dedication to the cause has paid off, and I've been inspired to experiment with foodie things for the festive season. Having just made a batch of delicious lavender ice cream, I want something chilled and savoury as an alternative.  

A Marmite sorbet!  Imagine that!

Heston Blumenthal eat your heart out!

Happy holidays everyone. Go well and I hope 2013 is everything you would like it to be.


  1. Sorry to be a kill-joy, but I would only wear the "hate" sock myself. I can't be in the same room as an open Marmite jar. Don't start me about Twiglets! This might have long-term repercussions on our friendship Mrs Shearing. Air kisses from now on - one just can't take the risk with someone who would keep Marmite cereal bars in her pockets for a quick snack....
    Happy Christmas,

    Martin xx

    1. Hils have you tried Marmite rice cakes? think they're for kids but good stuff! Most impressed with the ultimate Marmite lovers photo in Oxford Street. How did you manage that? Jules xxx
