Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Sunday, August 3, 2014

All sorts of stuff!

It's been one of those weeks! Supper parties, apéro parties, dinner parties. We've friends arriving tonight who we haven't seen since last autumn. Keeping fingers crossed the weather is decent for them. Various things in the pipeline to suit all possibilities. 

Currently on chicken and cat minding duty for our neighbours who took off on holiday yesterday. 19 hours it took them to get to the family, I think in the Pyrenees. The first weekend in August in France of course, everyone en route. Even so, they and the children must have been exhausted. Mike came with me to help. The cat was fine although a bit sulky. Had a bit of food and a cuddle on the sofa. Although this afternoon decidedly stand-offish and sleeping under the car.  Then we headed round the back to the chickens. We must have been later than they were used to this morning, because they were all up the front end of the hen house waiting to be let out. Our instructions were let them out and then throw their seed around, so they'd be distracted.  We could then get back up the driveway, without being followed and shut the gate. Just three chickens - who are very beautiful.

They shot out of the pen, eyeing up the seed bowl in my hand. I threw seed in every direction.They went beserk, charging about all over the place, then coming back to me and demanding more food. There is something about a chicken running flat out that is just so funny. It's a bit like a dog with a ball. Throw, find, take back. . . "Do it again, do it again". In the end I was running about as much as they were.  Come bed-time this evening, would they go back in the hen-house! Talk about an independent streak.  Mike was almost crying with laughter. Finally however they were shut up for the night. Very pleased to report that we now have five fresh eggs.

Went to a mediterranean dinner party on Thursday. Took some sunflower shots on the way over. Everyone brought a dish, all worked out in advance, so there were no clashes. Sumptous is probably the best way to describe it. Really good fun and again, we were so lucky to be able to spend the whole evening outside. Bit of singing. Bit of dancing. Got in around midnight. Had friends from Tavant round for supper here Friday night. Hadn't seen them for a while. We've all been so busy and they've been away a lot, so finding a date has proved impossible, until this last week. We were able to be outside, which was so lovely, and till about 11pm.  We're over the road with neighbours for an apéro last night with our neighbours Jacqueline and Norbert at the home of our new neighbours Monique and daughter Sarah, who moved in earlier this year. Such a great sense of humour the pair of them. They were able to come to the road party, so have at least met everyone in the road.

Friend  Elizabeth on the left

 Yesterday morning, Saturday, we went into Chinon. A few basics to pick up, but it was also the annual Marché Mediéval. Got there in time for the parade, in which one of our friends was taking part, riding her horse. Had a wander around and then met up with some other friends for coffee. Today, Sunday, has been a bit of a catch-up day. Really nice just being able to potter about. Keeping fingers crossed the TGV is running on time for our friends.

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