Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

There's a grasshopper in the lampshade!

Hadn't realised that our late morning breakfast was being scrutinised, until we started tidying up. How the baby grasshopper got there - no idea. Being so hot, our big doors and shutters are in ajar mode - hooked into position - during the day. We close the doors at night, but leave the shutters half open. So at some point, he - I'm saying he, but it could have been she, although how you tell the difference, I've no idea -  got inside the house, and then jumped his or her way on to our dining table and then legged it into the underside of the light fitting that hangs over the top. Quite a feat! 

Just about recovered from the weekend. Thank goodness we weren't going anywhere on Monday. Having had a crazy day Saturday as featured in the last blog, we were on Sunday,  meant to be out for the whole day and evening with neighbours for various things over at Avon les Roches. So tired Sunday morning, we called off the day-time stuff and went over to meet everyone for the evening - a dinner in the salle de fête. Went with neighbours - Jacqueline and Norbert, their friends Janette and Jackie who we now know pretty well and who live in Avon.L.R. and some of their family whom I'm FB friend with. Their son Ludo is an excellent chef and runs a very successful catering business. The whole evening was organised by another friend Pierrot and his band of volunteers. We've been to one of these dinners before.  Extremely well organised and presented and the dinner itself was superb. Not sure what time we left, but then we all went back to Janette and Jackie's house.  Hilarious. Pierrot started singing increasingly risqué French songs. We were crying with laughter. Got in around 1am.

Out for supper last night over at Lerné. Felt very honoured to be included. Lovely people, who we've come to know well. About twenty minutes from us by car. Five french friends - nearly wrote hens then. Janine whose house we were in, Christine and Mike,  Elisabeth and Patrick, all of whom we've met through one of our anglo-french organisations/L'Ecrin and Elizabeth (British/fluent French speaker), who set up both L'Ecrin and another anglo-french organisation that we're involved with. 

Got to Janine's around 6.30pm. Sunflowers out everywhere on the way over. One of our favourite flowers. We stayed out in the garden for champagne apéros and later on, we went in the house for a delicious supper. Janine is a very keen and accomplished photographer, amongst other things, so there's a shared interest. Terrific evening in every way - people, conversation, food and the place - a lovely house and garden, which is large and has its own wood.  Wildlife seen on the way home this time was a small haul - one rat, one bat, one fox and a cat. Got home around midnight. No problems sleeping tonight! Ha!

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