Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Monday, June 9, 2014

Nothing's better than a picnic 2 - Sunday

Dancing off lunch1
Sunday's picnic was in Cravant at the porte-ouverte of wine producer Philippe Pion at Domaine des Quatre Ventre. We've met him and his son a few times now at various events including the Chinon Wine Fair.  This porte-ouverte  is a four day affair from 6-9 June. A huge amount of work. But - wow are they great hosts of what! Just terrific.

This was Philippe Pion's tenth porte-ouverte and the domaine's 30th anniversary. Huge achievement. We were with neighbours Jacqueline, Norbert, Jacqueline and Alain, who have a son marrying this summer. He and his fiancé were there as well with various of their friends, along with Alain's brother and other family members. A really fun group.

Happy punter
There must have been over 300 people on what was a very hot day. It was such a good p.o. So well organised. All hands mind you!! Family and friends really doing everything possible to make sure we had a good time. We got there around 12. Tables were laid up under shades. The big barbecues were all ready to go. Little fouées were being freshly made and filled with either boudin, rillettes or fromage and then handed round to everyone outside or inside the chai having wine tastings. Met up with other near neighbours who'd arrived with some of their friends and family. Some more, who live a couple of roads away. The place was heaving and really buzzing. Great atmosphere with a really good accordeonist +backing tracks. But it's apparently always like this. We've always managed to miss the Pion p.o. by being in the UK. 2014 we finally made it. We thought of a few friends who would just have loved it.

Alain strutting his stuff
We'd put all our picnic gear on the table and then wandered into the chai ourselves. Tasted a delicious rosé and four reds.  Have no idea what time the picnic actually started. We were all busy talking, eating, tasting. But anyway, start we did. Everyone had brought a variety of salads, things for barbecueing. Plenty of water, bread, fruit, cheese. Of course it was all so relaxed. The Pion domaine provided all the wine to go with the picnics, so a constant flow. In between people were up and dancing. Line dancing is huge over here, so there was some of that, including The Madison. I've just got to learn the steps.

I think things started to wind down around 5pm. Certainly people were diving into the Chai and buying large quantities of wine. With each purchase you were given a special bottle of wine - a large one. The generosity was really amazing. Just a fantastic day. 

Bravo et un grand merci à tous au Domaine des Quatre Vents. Vraiment qqchose!!


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