Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Look after the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves

A letter arrived from the tax office (British) the other morning. Not sure how much it cost to send first class to France. But someone had very kindly written to say I'd paid too much tax and would be reimbursed, meaning all 27p of it. Are they likely to send it by cheque?

However it arrives, I am going to take care of these pennies. Because I'm not sure it's possible to buy anything with that  sum these days. One third of an expresso sized coffee (Chinon prices) perhaps. A quarter of our regular bread - tradition/Parisse Céréale.  So I might as well save it and then if the proverb is really true, it will turn into pounds, and then I buy something really useful. How long will that take I wonder? If I keep it simple and aim for a packet of Maltesers, well - could be next year!

So a memorable moment in an already excellent week which included the theatre visit over at Crissay (previous blog) my birthday with lunch out at Sazilly, dinner in Chinon with friends at L'Ardoise (which doesn't have a website) several apéro parties and last night, dinner over in Turquant - home to Carole Noby, which is a good enough excuse to drive over, if of course an excuse is needed.

Mention the name Turquant to Mike and he develops a twitch, as it always involves visiting Carole. The 'excuse' this time was to get one of her small change purses as my birthday present. Having trained and worked for Hermes, Carole's got a lot of contacts. But she was telling us about the difficulty she's having sourcing quality leather from France and across Europe, and on which Carole relies heavily, to show off her exceptional skills. From the smallest key ring to the biggest bag, everything in the boutique is beautifully made from the best leather. So we really hope there's a solution for her. 

Last night however we were over in Turquant for the last of the village Tuesday soirées, which happen every week from mid-July to the end of August. Thought we'd have dinner over there. There's a resto called L'Hélianthe ,which we've been to a few times, but last night we tried the Le Bistroglo. Totally different experience, simple but fresh and delicious. Turned up having booked a table, to find Carole having dinner there. Quick chat as you do, then we wandered over to our table. It turns out that the chef is Bernard Noby  - so family - and last night Carole was working there, which was just as well, as it was packed. There's limited space inside, plenty of tables outside, with the musicians pretty much in the middle of it all. So basically brilliant. Had a fantastic meal and evening.

And by the way, my purse is just great!


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